Category: Chicago / Turabian

Any topic (writer’s choice)


Please take notes on: the use of music, the relationship between director and subject, how particular stories relevant to Asian Americans are opened up for a wider viewership. A) In what ways are Tad Nakamuras films social documentaries? B) How is the cinematic technique of collage employed?


22min, Digital Video, 2006

Directed & Edited by Tadashi Nakamura –

PILGRIMAGE tells the inspiring story of how an abandoned WWII concentration camp for Japanese Americans has been transformed into a symbol of retrospection and solidarity for people of all ages, races and nationalities in our post 9/11 world.

With a hip music track, never-before-seen archival footage and a story-telling style that features young and old, PILGRIMAGE reveals how the Japanese American community reclaimed a national experience that had almost been deleted from public understanding. PILGRIMAGE shows how the annual Manzanar Pilgrimage now has new meaning for diverse generations who realize that when the US government herded thousands of innocent Americans into what the government itself called concentration camps, it was failure of democracy that would affect all Americans.


18 min, Digital Video, 2003Directed & Edited by Tadashi Nakamura –

YELLOW BROTHERHOOD is a short personal documentary about a friendship and finding community through a self-help group turned basketball team that began in the 1960s.

Filmmaker Tad Nakamura met Brett and Khi-Min when they were six years old on a community basketball team called the ‘Venice YB’. As Tad says in the film, ‘We didn’t know what YB stood for and we really didn’t care – all we cared about was having fun.’ As they grew, they learned that YB stood for ‘Yellow Brotherhood’, a self-help group formed by a gang called ‘The Ministers’ to help youth get off drugs. Only later did they realize how the tradition of Yellow Brotherhood’s dedication to personal and political development helped them through their own problems and empowered them to carry on its legacy of creating and serving community. Features never-before-seen stills and footage of Los Angeles’ Japanese American community in the 1960s and 1970s.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please take notes on: the use of music, the relationship between director and subject, how particular stories relevant to Asian Americans are opened up for a wider viewership. A) In what ways are Tad Nakamuras films social documentaries? B) How is the cinematic technique of collage employed?


22min, Digital Video, 2006

Directed & Edited by Tadashi Nakamura –

PILGRIMAGE tells the inspiring story of how an abandoned WWII concentration camp for Japanese Americans has been transformed into a symbol of retrospection and solidarity for people of all ages, races and nationalities in our post 9/11 world.

With a hip music track, never-before-seen archival footage and a story-telling style that features young and old, PILGRIMAGE reveals how the Japanese American community reclaimed a national experience that had almost been deleted from public understanding. PILGRIMAGE shows how the annual Manzanar Pilgrimage now has new meaning for diverse generations who realize that when the US government herded thousands of innocent Americans into what the government itself called concentration camps, it was failure of democracy that would affect all Americans.


18 min, Digital Video, 2003 Directed & Edited by Tadashi Nakamura –

YELLOW BROTHERHOOD is a short personal documentary about a friendship and finding community through a self-help group turned basketball team that began in the 1960s.

Filmmaker Tad Nakamura met Brett and Khi-Min when they were six years old on a community basketball team called the ‘Venice YB’. As Tad says in the film, ‘We didn’t know what YB stood for and we really didn’t care – all we cared about was having fun.’ As they grew, they learned that YB stood for ‘Yellow Brotherhood’, a self-help group formed by a gang called ‘The Ministers’ to help youth get off drugs. Only later did they realize how the tradition of Yellow Brotherhood’s dedication to personal and political development helped them through their own problems and empowered them to carry on its legacy of creating and serving community. Features never-before-seen stills and footage of Los Angeles’ Japanese American community in the 1960s and 1970s.

Analysis Paper

This assignment is based on Chapter 5 of Happiness and the Christian Moral Life by Paul Wadell. Having read the chapter, you will address the following points in your paper:
1. Briefly explain what Wadell means when he calls human beings creatures. What does this description suggest about our origins and purpose? Provide at least one quotation from the reading to support your analysis.
2. What do the imago Dei and imago Christi each reveal about human dignity? Provide at least one quotation from the reading to support your analysis.
3. According to Wadell, people who commit evil still reflect the image of God and can even be redeemed. Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Can you imagine someone who is irredeemably evil?

Discuss in what ways Marx understands religion as a superstructure, drawing on other critical Marxist terms, including, but not limited to, the base. What are the limits of thinking about religion in this way? Could we still consider religion such a s

Coursework should be submitted in the following format: One document (Including appendices and bibliography) Student number should be the only identification used 1.5 or double-spacing typescript, but single spacing used for quotations, footnotes,
tables etc. are used; Font size 12 is used; Arial or Calibri font should be used; All pages are numbered;  Acceptable formats are: doc; docx Word count excludes footnotes; bibliography; coversheet



1. Livermore, David. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success. 2nd ed. New York: AMACOM, 2015. ( READ CHAPTERS 1 – 8 )

2.  Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( READ CHAPTER 6  – 7 )



You will be required to write a 750-word evaluation of the cross-cultural effectiveness of either a personal or ministry engagement in the local community using CQ and communication principles learned throughout the course in current Turabian format.

You will support your assertions with a minimum of 2 textbook resource and 2 outside academic resources.

You will be required to identify how you would apply elements of intercultural communication to more effectively communicate biblical truth in this context.

You will include a minimum of a 750-word evaluation in addition to a title page, table of contents


And bibliography citing at least 2 references from Part 1, and 4 references from Part 2 must be included and be in Turabian format. This submission will include Part 1 and Part 2.

NOTE: For the PART 1 2 References, see the submitted part 1, under the GRADED RESEARCH PAPER 1 under the uploaded additional material section.

NOTE: PLEASE do not apply for this paper if you do not have access to the textbooks mentioned above in the reading textbooks please. Thanks.



1. Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( READ CHAPTERS 6 – 7 )




You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge and be supported by:

1.  2 textbook citation

2.  1 outside academic resource, and

3.  1  Biblical citation.


Topic: Verbal Communication


1.  Identify a verbal communication concept (a rule, function, pattern, or style) addressed in the reading, and

2. Discuss how this could positively or negatively impact communication and gospel witness in an intercultural setting.

Counter Narcotic Missions in Intelligence

This assignment is a research paper of 8-10 pages including research and analysis designed to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. It focuses on the effectiveness of various intelligence collection disciplines applicable to the U.S. counter-narcotics mission. The exclusive use of required texts and readings from this course is preferred, but you can use properly vetted outside resources to supplement your analysis. In this assignment, you will show that you understand and are able to evaluate the coursework.

Political Science

A reading response should accomplish two primary things: first, it should summarize the text and second, it should evaluate that text. All supplemental readings take some sort of stance on a particular political issue or topic. More specifically, they try to explain some sort of political phenomenon. The authors may be right, they may be wrong, they may do a poor job of shedding light on or explaining a political phenomenon, etc. In these reading responses, you will take a position and judge these authors their interpretations the political world.


It is time for our first writing assignment:

Your paper should be double-spaced, 12-point font and with 1-inch margins.
Papers received later will be penalized according to a sliding scale for lateness.
Your paper should be approximately three pages.
There is no penalty for longer papers, but also no additional bonus.
You can choose between two prompts.

WBUR interview regarding vacancy taxes: (Links to an external site.). Los Angeles Times Article: (Links to an external site.)
CBS News piece on “Housing First” policy: (Links to an external site.)
Please choose one of the topics and write a piece discussing whether you think that the policy in question is a good public policy. You are welcome to use sources to argue your point.

Capitalism and Protection of the Natural World

One of the major themes of the course this semester is focused on the ecological contradictions of American capitalism. For this essay assignment, please develop an argument as to whether or not capitalism is compatible or incompatible with the protection and preservation of the natural world. Utilizing class lectures and the required readings around externality theory and theories of technology, etc., present a clear and concise discussion of political-economic and/or sociological forces at work that are resulting in the preservation or destruction of nature. This theoretical argument should be presented in the form of a thesis. You should use examples from the class or additional materials.
It is recommended that you describe and explain a particular argument utilizing externality theory, a theory of technology, or greenwashing, etc. (or a combination of one or more). Please make your theoretical argument come alive by utilizing at least 3 real-world events provided by the lectures, readings, and/or films. In other words, what do these examples say about the larger global capitalist system?  Please offer something in the way of a solution in your conclusion.
You can separate the paper into these two sections, or fully integrate the thesis, theoretical arguments, and description throughout the paper.

I will be grading you on six components:
(1)      Thesis statement:  The thesis is clearly stated and easily understood, and grounded in the course materials and subject matter.  The thesis should not be simplistic.
(2)      Theoretical Analysis and Development of Ideas:  The thesis should be grounded in a theoretical argument and draw upon at least 2-3 readings from the class.
(3)      Description, Details and Evidence:  A rich description of the dynamics of capitalism are provided, along with relevant examples that are fully explained.  At least 2-3 sources are required.  All evidence and examples help to illustrate the thesis (and sub-theses) in the paper.
(4)      Organization and Clarity:  The paper contains a logical structure (an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion), and transitions smoothly between topics.
(5)      Spelling and Grammar:  There are no spelling, grammatical, or formatting efforts. Your writing should exhibit mastery of proper English mechanics through sentence variety.
(6)      Citation of Sources:  All data, information, and ideas are properly cited.  You can use footnotes/endnotes and/or a bibliography in any standard social science format (ex: Chicago style).  You can use the citation method in my book as a model, if you wish.  IF YOU PLAGIARIZE THE PAPER, YOU WILL FAIL THE CLASS.

You may mix and match theoretical explanations and/or bring in additional theoretical perspectives if you wish (but this is not required). You should draw directly upon the readings assigned in the class to help build your theoretical argument. It should be a profound (or significant) argument.  Be sure to offer examples to support your theoretical presentation. You may also use outside readings.

I strongly suggest that you make an outline. You are also required to cite your sources (especially quotations), and to include either a bibliography or footnotes page. The footnotes and/or bib are not counted in the minimal page requirements. PROOFREAD YOUR WORK! HARD COPIES of the papers will be due in class no later than Monday, February 24th. Late papers might not be accepted without prior approval.