Category: Chicago / Turabian

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Article Review Exercise
For this assignment, you will choose a scholarly article pertinent to your research topic and write a review of it. You will “de-construct” the article for the reader, analyzing the claims that the author is making and how well he/she supports those claims. You will also explain how this article fits into your research strategy to answer your research question. Does it provide some insights but still leave you wondering?
Your answers should be at a minimum of 2-3 pages (the Title Page and Reference page will be additional pages).
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Use scholarly or other relevant sources.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize: books, peer reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.
Your responses are to be in your own words with minimal quotes.
All submissions will be graded using the attached rubric.



1. Livermore, David. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success. 2nd ed. New York: AMACOM, 2015. ( READ CHAPTERS 4 – 5 )

2.  Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( READ CHAPTER 2 AND 3 )




You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 500 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge and be supported by:

1.  2 textbook citation

2.  1 outside academic resource, and

3.  1  Biblical citation.


1. Topic: The Role of Cultural Values and How They Shape and Limit Intercultural Communication


1.  What limitations do you face in intercultural communication and

2.  How is this shaped by preferred cultural values?

NOTE: Please only apply for the paper if you have access to the textbooks required for the paper as above pls.

Modern Europe

Writing Assignment 1 (Module 2): Science and the European Colonial Empires
Using the relevant textbook passages, documents and commentary provided in class, and research you have done on your own, explain how and why scientific endeavors, such as (but not limited to) cartography and archaeology, influenced the efforts of the European powers to build colonial empires around the world. Your paper will cover the second wave of imperialism that occurred in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The paper will be double-spaced, employ a minimum of ten references to at least five source materials (in footnote form), have a cover sheet and a bibliography (which are not part of the five-to-seven page requirement for length), and will follow the format and style laid out in Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations (8th Edition).

Punic Wars

You will write a 3-page paper (not including the title page and bibliography) on the causes and origins of the Second Punic War as discussed by the ancient historians Polybius and Livy. The paper must only reference the works by these historians that are included in this module/week’s Reading & Study folder. The paper must be typed, double-spaced, and in current Turabian format (with title page and bibliography).

Open Source Intelligence

The purpose of the assignment is for you to critically evaluate open sources for reliability and for you to explore your biases. As an intelligence analyst or OSINT professional you will have to provide the decision maker with the best available intelligence analysis. So choose your sources carefully and keep your mind open as you select ONE of the below topics for your paper. This four (4) to six (6) page paper is due at the end of week 4. As always, the page count does not include the title or references pages.

1. Who is Anonymous? Research the answer, gather evidence to support your argument, and give your best speculation on who it is and why. You must nominate one person and dont focus on more than one person.  An article was published in the New York Times in September of  2018: And a book was published in November 2019: The search continues to identify who is Anonymous and you are part of that search if you should choose to accept this assignment.

2. Describe and explain the Clinton e-mail controversy. Does the evidence show there was damage to national security or just damage to her campaign?

3. To what degree did the Trump Campaign, transition team, and administration collude (be sure to review the definition) with the Russians? What impact did they have on it and is America more prepared now for future attempts by any adversary? A thorough review and use of The Mueller Report, part I, is required to answer this question:

4. Describe and explain the Uranium One Deal. To what degree did Hillary Clinton collude with the Russians?

5. You are the Chief of OSINT for country X. The president is trying to understand what was going on with the POTUS, Giuliani, the “three amigos”, and all this quid pro quo business with Ukraine to see if there is room for exploitation vis-a-vis your country. Describe what happened, what impact it had on international relations, and what vulnerabilities does it expose the administration to?

Please review the attached information literacy tools that may help you with your research and writing of this paper.

Citation and Reference Style

Students will follow the Chicago Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework to the course. See A quick guide may be found at: The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2017 available online at: The Author-Date system is recommended.

All written submissions should be submitted in Times New Roman 12pt font with 1 margins, typewritten in double-spaced format.  College-level work is expected to be free of grammar, usage, and style errors.

the saving life of christ

Just need a full 5 page book report on the book called “the sving life of christ” ..must be turabian style. please use footnotes and as much footnotes as you can.

the books name is the “saving life of christ by Major W Ian Thomas”..i uploaded a pdf of the book i should work .

Latinamerican politics

This assignment consists in 3 parts.
a)  a well-refined one-sentence Research Question
b) an annotated bibliography of 15 academic journals (where you will have to write the the general thesis, supporting arguments, methodology , and ideology)
c)  a detailed outline of what would be a major research paper. (Every support paragraph should include the thesis statement, statement of method, statement of significance)

1) The first step is to devise a very carefully constructed one sentence Research Question. You are to choose your own topic. If you do not already have a topic in mind, please focus on Argentina, Chile, Brazil, or a Central American country. You may also wish to cover a theme rather than a country. Do not pose a future-tense question.

Limit your question in terms of time-frame and subject, so that the question is narrow enough to address thoroughly in a 15 page research paper.

Examples of an acceptable question are the following: What were the FARCs chief political interests in its peace negotiation with the Colombian Government from 2012-2017? Or: What have been the major political impacts in Venezuela of black market currency manipulation since 2012? An example of an unacceptable question, one that is too broad, is the following: What are US interests in the Latin America?

2. ) 2) Once you have a research question, use any web library and obtain 15 ACADEMIC JOURNAL sources, the higher quality, the better. Strive for ideological balance in the sources, provide more than one perspective to your topic. Make sure your sources are sufficiently diverse to incorporate a debate into your paper. DO NOT USE BOOKS.

3) Provide an annotated bibliography. That is, provide a bibliography of the sources you are using (alphabetized in accepted bibliographical style), with a one-paragraph annotation for each source. Each citation will address four components: the thesis; supporting arguments; methodology (address quality of sources and coherence of the piece); and ideology, or bias.

The citation should be in complete sentences with careful writing. Do not write more than five sentences (one sentence each for the thesis, supporting arguments and ideology, and two sentences for the methodology commenting on sources and coherence ).

Example of one annotated bibliography:

North, Liisa. Understanding Central America (Toronto: Between the Lines, 1989).
Norths central argument is that US policy to Central America is misconceived and runs counter to the interests of Central Americas majority population. She notes that US military policy is backfiring by causing anti-Americanism, and that US policy is causing a deterioration of living standards in Nicaragua and El Salvador in particular. Regarding methodology, North uses many primary sources such as interviews, government documents, and UN reports. Her argument is logical and well-presented. North writes from a socialist perspective.

4) Provide a detailed outline of what would be your research paper. The outline is to include:
a) Your complete three sentence introduction: thesis; statement of method; statement of significance;
b) The topic sentence of each paragraph for what would be a 15 page paper;
c) After each topic sentence, list the relevant authors and page numbers in parentheses that you would include if you were developing that topic sentence into a paragraph.

Book Review

Please use the following format in preparing 4-MAT Book Reviews:

Name of book is: The Great Commission to Worship

1.    ABSTRACT. Summarize what you have read into 300 words (1 page). Prove you comprehend the readings by writing a thoughtful summary. The abstract is not a commentary or listing of topics but rather an objective summary of major themes from the reader’s viewpoint. Use third person to retain objectivity.  Abstact equals an overview of contents. This section should include a minimum of 2 footnotes to the text being reviewed.

2.    CONCRETE RESPONSE. Be vulnerable. In no less than 150 words and no more than 1 page, relate a personal life experience that this book triggered in your memory. Relate your story in first person, describing action, and quoting exact words you remember hearing or saying. In the teaching style of Jesus, this is a do-it-yourself parable, case study, confession. You will remember almost nothing you have read unless you make this critical, personal connection. What video memory began to roll? This is your chance to tell your story and make new ideas your own.

3.    REFLECTION. This is the critical thinking part of the review (not critical in the sense of negative, but in the sense of questioning). In no less than 150 words and no more than 1 page, describe what questions are raised for you in response to what you have read. Keep a rough-note sheet at hand as you read. Out smart the author by asking better questions than he/she raised in the book. Tell how the author could have made the book better or more appealing to those in your field of service. One way to begin this section is by stating what bothered you most about the book. This is not a place to provide an endorsement or affirmation of the book. This should be an objective, fair evaluation of the text. Use third person to retain the objectivity.

4.    ACTION. So what are you going to do about it? In 2-3 pages, provide at least 3 action steps that describe what actions or changes you are going to make in your life, ministry, and/or work as a result of your reading. Action steps should be measurable and reveal a commitment to specific time, specific people, and identified steps.

5.    Please provide a Turabian style* title page, pagination, footnotes, and Bibliography.

*Please contact the instructor to ask permission to use an alternate format style.
Total: 56 pages

Submit each 4Mat Book Review by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of the module/week in which it is assigned.

“Bowling Alone” by Robert D. Putnam

Only 550 words please (2) pages.
A reading response should accomplish two primary things: first, it should
summarize the text and second, it should evaluate that text. All supplemental readings take some sort of
stance on a particular political issue or topic. More specifically, they try to explain some sort of political
phenomenon. The authors may be right, they may be wrong, they may do a poor job of shedding light on
or explaining a political phenomenon, etc. In these reading responses, you will take a position and judge
these authors their interpretations the political world.

Legacy of J.-J. Rousseau: is man still born free, which chains await him in 2019 and what does this mean for international relations?

You must rely on key authors, provide quotes, notions

Formal requirements:
4-5 pages,
12 spt, times new Roman,
paragraph 1,15-1,5, standard margins, single-spaced,
no title page (just surname in the  first line,
no plagiarism (use quotes with references, references if you paraphrase etc, references must be mentioned exactly where you cite -not at the end of a big paragraph etc)

Recommended structure:
Brief intro (few phrases)
Your key idea (presumably-answer for major question
Conclusion (is you idea correct or not)