Category: Chicago / Turabian

Riace Warrior

    Research Paper / Work Biography (100 Points) To understand the history of art, or any subject for that matter, you must be able to think critically and be able to conduct meaningful research. Such is the only way of learning more than the gloss of information you find in survey texts. Therefore, you will be required to write a FIVE to SIX page paper on a particular work (painting, sculpture, architecture. . . ) pertinent to the time period of this class (Prehistory to 1500). In essence you will be required to write a biography on a particular object. You will be required therefore to analyze the work of art, its maker, its own history, and its context(s). Remember that works of art have several contexts and may mean different things at different points in time. It will be up to you to examine the way your work has evolved over the years. Grading will depend on your ability to write a cohesive, clear, and cogent paper that is well researched, thought through, and presented.
    Additional criteria include: strong introduction and conclusion, grammar (Please Proof Read!!!!), good use of citations, and creativity. As a general guideline a solid 200-level research paper should include around 3 solid references per page and 10 total sources is a general guideline.
    REMEMBER THE LIBRARY – you can not complete this task properly unless you utilize the actual library! This assignment simply can not be completed from material found online. This will eventually change but for now you must actually enter a building.
    You can not nor should not complete this assignment with what you can dig up online.
    Text books and encyclopedia (this includes online encyclopedia like Wikipedia) are not valid sources.
    Web sources are not to be used unless checked with me or a TA no exceptions !!!!.  Articles procured through JSTOR or other similar services are perfectly fine. A bibliography followed by correctly labeled reproductions of the images you address must also be included!



For this article reflection, you will read the assigned article for that module/week. The Article to be read and Reflected upon is attached in PDF format  titled ( GLST 650 Understanding Culture by Lloyd Kwast ) under the Drag and Drop Additional materials section
Each article reflection paper must be 500700 words and include:

1.  A paragraph that provides an overall summary of the article.

2. The rest of the paper you will reflect on, analyze, and apply at least 3 specific content references (i.e. a direct quotes or references from the article).

3. Need a Table of Content, Title page Footnotes, and all the details contained in the Grading Rubric should be in the paper.

Discussion Board Forum 1


1. Livermore, David. Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success. 2nd ed. New York: AMACOM, 2015. ( READ CHAPTERS 1 – 4A )

2.  Toomey, Stella T., and Leeva C. Chung. Understanding Intercultural Communication. 2nd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ( READ CHAPTER 1 )




You are required to provide a thread in response to the provided prompt for each forum. Each thread must be at least 400 words and demonstrate course-related knowledge and be supported by:
1.  2 textbook citation

2.  1 outside academic resource, and

3.  2  Biblical citation. In addition to the thread, you are required to reply to 2 other classmates threads.


Discussion Board Forum 1
Topic: Communicating an Unchanging Gospel Message in a Changing World

Thread Prompt: How do the practices of intercultural communication and cultural intelligence provide insight and understanding as we seek to communicate an unchanging gospel message to people from diverse cultures and contexts?

NOTE: Please only apply for the paper if you have access to the textbooks required for the paper as above pls.

Breaking Bad Season 1

Season Essays:
Throughout the semester, you will write an Essay for each season of Breaking Bad. Your Essay
for each season must refer to all of the episodes you watched during each season of the series. For
example, your Season One Essay must refer to all seven episodes from Season One, and your
Season Five Essay must refer to all sixteen episodes from Season Five.
For each Season Essay, you must analyze the story Vince Gilligan and his creative team told
about Walter White and the pursuit of the dream he established for himself in the series pilot
episode. Pay attention to the ways that Walters pursuit of that dream hits unforseen obstacles and
Spring 2020 Syllabus AST 217OL 9
transforms him as well as the other characters on the show. Assess whether Walters dream is
transforming into nightmare for him and his family and whether Walters pursuit of that dream
bring happiness or misery to other characters on the show. Additionally, look for the ways that
Walters pursuit of his dream awakens something in him that he had buried. What story/message
does Vince Gilligan and his creative team tell through those developments? Do Vince Gilligan and
the creative team seem to be telling a broader story about the pursuit of the American dream?
As you write each of your Season Essays, refer to specific scenes from the episodes you
watched in that particular season. You may use ONLY the episodes to write your Essay. The use of
any additional sources will result in a grade of 0 Points for your Essay and may result in an
Academic Honesty Violation.
Your Season Essays must be typed, double-spaced, written in a twelve-point font, and use
Chicago Manual of Style citations. Your Essays also must include between 500 and 800 words and
contain a minimum of three paragraphs. I will grade your Season Essays using the American
Studies Writing Rubric, and you can earn up to 140 Points toward your Semester Grade by writing
each of your Season Essays. You can earn up to 700 Points toward your Semester Grade by writing
all of your Season Essays. You will submit your Season Essays on our Cabrini Learn page by the due
dates listed on the Class Schedule and our Cabrini Learn page.

The War ond Drugs’ Mass Incarceration and its effect on minorities in Mississippi

A 25 to 30 page research paper (not including notes, graph-
ics, appendices, etc.)

Can include alternative formats, such as a museum-quality
exhibit or documentary film.
Possible topics include analyzing a historiographical debate
or placing a smaller, local event in a larger historical context.
Relies more on secondary and less on primary sources.

Critiques from my instructor
I have attached a copy of your thesis with suggested edits. There are a few questions you need to think about as you make revisions:

1. What is your thesis? I don’t see a well-defined argument being laid out in your introduction. You need to explain what you intend to contribute to the history of this field that is different from what scholars who have written on this topic have said about it. Your paper seems to go back and forth between discussing the positive and negative aspects of the War on Drugs without taking a position yourself or adding anything new to this field.

2. How are you using primary sources to support the argument you make? I don’t really see you using any primary sources. It appears that you are repeating information that you found in secondary sources. A thesis needs to be based on primary source research.

3. Are all of your points clearly and concisely made? Beyond the editing I suggest, there are larger structural issues that need to be addressed. What you’ve written is very repetitive. You include the same information in multiple places throughout the thesis and make the same statements numerous times, sometimes even in the same paragraph. You need to be concise.

Now at this point switching from thesis to project in which, I can use secondary sources but I need it not to be repetitive, basically follow the critiques of my instructor to the point.

I’m sending both drafts the one titled “Incarceration” is the old one and “War on Drugs” is recent.

I will need graphs etc. footnotes as well

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Write a concise analytical summary for readings. 480 to 600 words in length (2 to 2.5 pages) excluding footnotes (no bibliography required), Times New Roman, size 12 font, double spaced, 1-inch margin all around, 8.5 x 11 paper. Footnotes follow the Chicago Manual of Style. Write three or four paragraphs (full sentences, not bullet points) describing: what the reading is about (e.g. Titians Venus of Urbino or the symbolic significance of Venetian doors) and what particular problem or issue the topic presents; how the author approaches the topic in terms of methods and types of evidence (e.g. other images, documents, historical contexts, etc.provide some specifics); how the author uses this approach to make a particular argument; what you think of the arguments broader implications for the way we think about Baroque art and architecture. For this component, you can relate the readings argument to that weeks contextual reading; and finally, what surprised you about the reading and/or what confused you about the reading. Note: You do not necessarily need to respond to these points in this order or at equal lengths, but they should all be included somehow, and the order should make sense for the analysis. You can use a maximum of one quotation, but you should explain its significance as a quotation, and you must provide a page number in the footnote (Chicago Style). No bibliography required.

Analytic Summary Assignment Option 2 Reading: Barker, Sheila. The First Biography of Artemisia Gentileschi: Self-Fashioning and Proto-Feminist Art History in Cristofano Bronzinis Notes on Women Artists. Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 60.3 (2018): 40435.

Link of the reading:

Module 1 Assignment

Using the readings from Unfinished Nation as well as the Foner and Carter readings, address the following prompt in at least 750 words (I have attached Foner and Carter readings):

1.    List, explain, and analyze the divisions in American life over what the concepts free and American meant during the period in question. The Civil War was fought over the issue of slavery and the Norths victory appeared to mean that slavery was over and that the US was finally ready to fully embrace the Declaration of Independences claim that all men are created equal. Yet, that didnt happen. Why not?

2.    What were the divisions, North and South, as well as within each region, that kept the US from living up to that creed?

Your journal entry must:

i.    Go beyond elemental statements about one race not liking the other.
ii.    Explain the origins, motivations, and backgrounds for the developments. In other words, you must specifically address why each party discussed thought or acted in that way.
iii.    Be based upon and reference the two supplemental readings. Note that tangential mentions of the reading do not equate to reference and include.
iv.    Include information from all of the assigned readings.

Why was nativism (i.e. anti-foreigner sentiment) so strong in the years 1900 to 1930 approximately?

P. Ward, White Canada Forever.
D. Avery, Reluctant Host
V. Knowles, Strangers at Our Gates
B. Roberts, From Whence They Came
These are sources to be used. These sources are minimum that should be used maybe add one source from a scholarly article.
Please note: all sources used in the essay must be cited in footnotes or endnotes and listed in a bibliography.
A thesis should be provided in the introduction and should be supported by 3-4 arguments