Category: Chicago / Turabian

Guns Germs and steel

As Jared Diamond explains, much of his motivation to write Guns, Germs, and Steel emerged from a question posed to him by Yali, a New Guinean politician. Yali asked Diamond, Why is it that you white people developed so much cargo and brought it to New Guinea, but we black people had little cargo of our own? (Diamond 1997:14). How does Diamond answer this?

thoughts and comments

Students are expected to preview the readings under each module and post their understandings, thoughts and/or applications on minimum three concepts per module

Module one
Foreign Exchange Transactions and Risk Management:
Reading: Chapter 5-7;
Introduce three primary types of derivative contracts: Forwards vs Futures vs Options to equip students with the understandings about how these contracts work and thus used as hedging tools. Then we will dialogue on the foreign exchange risk management for multinational corporations and how to use money market and derivative market to manage the risk.
Case 2: How Did Nick Leeson Contribute To The Fall of Barings Bank?
Case 3: Propose and present on the detailed strategies for any MNC of choice facing the following currency risk:

Students are expected to preview the readings under each module and post their understandings, thoughts and/or applications on minimum three concepts per module Module One Introduction to the International Financial Environment & the Determination of E

Students are expected to preview the readings under each module and post their understandings, thoughts and/or applications on minimum three concepts per module

Module Two International Money Market, Bond Market and Equity Market:
Reading: Chapter 11-13;  International financial markets, Madura, 2014;  Covid-19 impacts

Building on the understandings of time value of market, pricing of bonds and stocks, an overview of global capital market will be discussed to help students to understand how capital could be moved efficiently across national borders to meet demand in other parts of the world.

thoughts and comments

Students are expected to preview the readings under module and post their understandings, thoughts and/or applications on minimum three concepts per module

Module One Introduction to the International Financial Environment & the Determination of Exchange Rates
Readings: Chapter 1-3
Identify and contrast the major markets that facilitate international business. Describe relationships between exchange rates and economic variables, and explain the forces that influence these relationships. Our focus will be on European Monetary System and the Federal Reserve System.
Case 1: The EURO (understanding about its history, uniqueness, role, strength, challenge and future)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The report is Chicago style, needs sources to be cited and the city I’ve been given to research is Barcelona, Spain. The purpose of this report is looking at spaces in the public realm and seeing how climate change, COVID-19, etc has changed these spaces.

Southwestern Culture and History

You are a tour guide. You have 25 well-paying clients who want you to pick the ONE spot in the American Southwest that best exemplifies Southwestern culture and history. Pick that location (Las Vegas, Disneyland, the Alamo, Sun City in AZ, the Painted Desert, Santa Fe, Tombstone, or any place else) and write a 275-word brochure introduction that justifies your response.

measure and evaluation of performance

following the previous work that I have already made on the (mission and vision; long term goals, strategic options, analysis, action plan) to make further measurement section describes how you intend to measure your progression in achieving the goals and objectives you have outlined previously.

world history

    According to Robert Marks, historians of the world since 1300 need to provide answers to two main questions: (1) how large parts of the world have become condemned to poverty while a small part appears to continue expanding the gap, and (2) how industry and European-type systems have become the dominant definition of our world. Using any three (3) instances from our extensive reading materials in HIST 161, differentiate between the dominant perspective and a global perspective to explain what these answers are.

I have the textbook if you need it. Please let me know. My professor requires us to use references.

Europe colonizing Africa

European colonialism is often depicted as a force of greed that exploited the African people for financial gain; however, some have also argued that colonialism served a moral purpose and was mutually beneficial to both parties. How could one argue this second viewpoint, and do you agree that the benefits brought by Europeans outweighed the negative effects? Why or why not? What would you propose be done for Africans to overcome any negative effect of European colonialism? Should they receive some kind of reparations for it? (Make sure that you address ALL these questions).

Public Administration

1. Choose a current policy challenge in public budgeting. Pick a topic that concerns budgeting issues at the national, state, or local level.  You may write about a budgeting challenge that we addressed in class, but be warned: your memo should go beyond the class discussion for that topic. If you are not sure whether your topic is appropriate, feel free to run it by me via email or during office hours.
2. Explain the budgeting challenge and why it is important. Provide at least some background on the issue to help the reader (me) follow your argument. Make the case that this issue is important enough to warrant some action, even with all the other fiscal problems currently out there.
3. Provide concrete advice to a senior policymaker on how to meet this challenge. Address your memo to a specific senior policymaker in a government organization. Provide 2-3 policy options for meeting the challenge your memo describes, and make the case for your one preferred option. Only propose options that are feasible or reasonable (i.e., dont suggest entirely eliminating Social Security or doubling the federal income tax).
I am looking for your own critical analysis of the policy issue, but using arguments and theories of other scholars is a useful starting point. Make sure that you clearly take a position on the best response to this policy issue. On the other hand, you must do more than just provide your opinion! Use facts and findings to support your analysis and conclusions. Spend time thinking about how best to organize your paper. Write clearly and concisely and make sure you proofread. Make sure you are clear in your analysis and policy recommendation.
The policy memo should be 3-5 pages of double-spaced text (not including the bibliography), using a standard 12-point font and 1-inch margins. You can use whatever citation style you prefer, but you must cite your sources.