Category: Civil Engineering


I want to model the shear wave velocity of a soil using matlab. The outcomes from the programming must result the variations of S-wave velocity versus depth. you can get some soil parameters from the internet to do the simulation. You must send me the reference in the word document ( where you will take your information from). The work must make sense in real engineering world. Conclusion and recommendation, and introduction must be provided. The out come from the work must be discussed properly. After doing the work, extract all results and place it in Ms word and send including the matlab coding. Please make sure to include table and figure in the work plus literature review relating to this topic ( using rayleigh waves to extract the shear wave velocity in the soil deposit) in the work. Include the references.  I want to chat with the engineer that will be doing this work. I want to know as to whether he/she understands what I want to do here.


I want to model the shear wave velocity of a soil using matlab. The outcomes from the programming must result the variations of S-wave velocity versus depth. you can get some soil parameters from the internet to do the simulation. You must send me the reference in the word document ( where you will take your information from). The work must make sense in real engineering world. Conclusion and recommendation, and introduction must be provided. The out come from the work must be discussed properly. After doing the work, extract all results and place it in Ms word and send including the matlab coding. Please make sure to include table and figure in the work plus literature review relating to this topic ( using rayleigh waves to extract the shear wave velocity in the soil deposit) in the work. Include the references.  I want to chat with the engineer that will be doing this work. I want to know as to whether he/she understands what I want to do here.

Water Resources

The Attached Word Document called “Water Resources- Hoework” is my assignment. The assignment is 4 problems with different parts involved such as Problem Solving, Calculation, Graph & writing.

There are also two PDF attached which you will need in order to complete this assignment.

Load on metal piece

You need to watch the 3-point bending test of plastic (PVC) beam and the 4- point bending test of mortar beam videos (Assignment folder, LMS). Also you need to use data file according to the student number and answer the questions below. (The data file will be emailed to you. Please contact us on course email if you believe you do not have the data file.) The data file has two sheets. If you use the wrong data file, the mark of 0 will be given for the assessment.

construction management

You have been the owner of a small construction company hiring a few permanent staff and additional temporary labour. You have undertaken the construction of domestic houses where the client has provided you with the plans and structural details. You have been selected by the client from a list of constructors, based on your past work.
(a)    As the work content increased, to undertake more private residential construction, it became necessary to expand the company structure.
(b)    Later your management desired to undertake larger scale non-domestic work such as, school buildings, hospitals, water supply projects etc., and hence you were required to form a more structured Company.
For your answer, first Discuss appropriate company structures in detail with sketches of the structure done by you. (Do not take off directly from website)
Your answer should include the following:
    A description of the different types of company structures/types, and the key features of the different types, suitable for a construction company.
    Based on the Organizational structure & relationships between the staff, explain how the construction work progresses through the channels of communication.
Arrive at suitable company structures for both (a) and (b) with justification. 
Remember to write with respect to construction related work.
Your answer should have a word count of 2000-3000. You are required to give sketches of different company structures you describe together with clear communication channels and compare them to decide on the one most suitable for each case given above. 

A Client wishes to construct the following with the given conditions and you are required to advice the client on appropriate contract types for each project.
(c) A new hospital is to be constructed in Malabe consisting of two, three storeyed buildings. One building is to be completed first and will start functioning while the other building work will commence soon after. The total work content consists of performing a feasibility survey to locate a suitable site for the hospital, design the buildings and the construction will take place in two stages. Completion of each building will be on two different dates.
(d) Construction of a new three storeyed building for CINEC consisting of 30 class rooms. The Consultant has completed the design and it is required to find a suitable contractor.

Task 2 (part 1)
Discuss the different types of contract weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the commonly used types of contract to arrive at the most suitable type for each of the above jobs.
Your answer should include:
    An explanation of the different types of relationship that may exist between companies working on construction projects, including contract types that are based on these relationships
Your answer should have a word count of 2000-3000

Task 2 (part 2)
The company formed under (b) above, is required to bid for the two jobs. Explain the steps you will take to prepare a bid to tender for each of the above jobs.
Your answer should consider the two given jobs and discuss the pre-contract phase for each.
Your report should include:
A discussion of the tender process, and how companies relate to each other in this process.
    You should NOT insert extracted material from text, www, or any other, directly in your answer. You may read the reference material and summarise in your own words. Indicate the references using Harvard referencing system. (you have been given this information by CINEC)

    Keep the answers to the point. Answer in the sequence that is required as per the question. Keep the Learning Outcomes (LOs) in mind. DO NOT insert irrelevant information.

    Attach the cover page giving your name/ID number and the Grade achievements pages in your assignment answer.

    When emailing/uploading your answers name the file as follows; your number_name with initials_A1 Unit4

Computational Methods in Civil Engineering

I’m looking for someone to write me a matlab code for this project please let me know if you can. The project is this:

The attached text file contains about 1,000 test results (from Prof. I-Cheng Yeh, Chung-Hua Univer- sity, Taiwan) on the strength of concrete with different mixture compositions and curing times.
The goal of regression here is to predict the concrete strength (x9) as a function of the other variables, so that concrete of the required strength can be made with less trial and error. The variables are:
x1 = cement content (kg per m3)
x2 = slag content (kg per m3)
x3 = fly ash content (kg per m3)
x4 = water content (kg per m3)
x5 = superplasticizer content (kg per m3) x6 = coarse aggregate content (kg per m3) x7 = fine aggregate content (kg per m3) x8 = curing time (days)
x9 = concrete compressive strength (MPa).
Fit each of the following function classes using least squares:
x9 as a (a) linear, (b) quadratic, or (c) cubic polynomial function of x1;
(d) x9 as a linear combination of x1, x2, x3, …x8, i.e. x9 1×1 + 2×2 + 3×3 +…+8×8
(e) x9 1(1 exp(x8/2))
(f)x9 1×1+2×2+…+6×6+7×7+8(1exp(x8/9))
(e-f require nonlinear least squares fitting)
Make a table of RSS, R2, number of parameters, and AIC for cases a-f. Based on your results, what do you conclude about the best regression function for concrete compressive strength?


rain gauge, that can adjust the speed of the irrigation system accordingly, and display the amount of rain received and the speed of the irrigation system.

The submission for this assignment must include a word document or PDF that includes a list of the part files used to make the assembly and four images: a screenshot of the top, front, right, and isometric views of the assembly.

Outline the critical principles of BIM and the role of a BIM manager

Understand the principles of Building Information Modelling (BIM)
Correctly apply knowledge of BIM technology and software
Designate BIM roles and responsibilities to different stakeholders in the construction industry

The assignment requires students to demonstrate analytical thinking in reflecting upon real-life problems relating to BIM principles and their implications in terms of technology, stakeholders, construction process and business rationale.


Problem 1 (50 points)

For a certain civil engineering system, we have two types of resources: Labor, and equipment We refer to these resources by the index j. Likewise each resource can be assigned to two types of activities: Maintenance and operations. We refer to these activities by the index i. Furthermore, the variables xij represent the amount of hours used by the resource j (labor/equipment) performing activity i (maintenance/ operations).

Maintenance.  Maintaining the system involves the use of equipment and labor.

The part of the labor that goes into maintenance has a cost of $2/hour; and the part of equipment use that goes into maintenance has a cost of $4/hour.

The total labor and equipment costs for maintenance should not exceed the maximum maintenance budget of $21 million

Operations.      Operating the system involves the use of equipment and labor.

The part of labor that goes into operations has a cost of $5/hour; and the part of equipment use that goes into operations has a cost of $3/hour.

The total labor and equipment costs for operations should not exceed and maximum operations budget of $18 million

From past records of similar systems, it has been found that the performance of the system, Z, depends on the amount of effort put in maintenance and operations. Specifically, each hour of labor represents $3 million of profit for the company and each hour of equipment represents $2 million of profit for the company (it does not matter whether these hours where used for maintenance or operation). As a manager in the agency, you seek to maximize Z under the given budgetary constraints.

Write the complete optimizations problem mathematically (the objective function and all constraints).

Remember that xij should be non-negative.

Using software for solution:

Solve the problem using Excel SOLVER and attach a copy of your output, clearly highlighting the optimal solution using any highlighter.

Problem 2 (50 points)

For construction of a civil engineering facility, a contractor has found natural reserves of sand and gravel at Bloomingdale and Valley Springs where he may purchase such material. The unit cost including delivery from Bloomingdale and Valley Springs is $5 and $7, respectively. After the material is brought to the site it is mixed thoroughly and uniformly, and contract specification state that the mix should contain a minimum of 30% sand.

A total volume of 100,000 m3 of mixed material is needed for the project. The Bloomingdale Pit contains 25% sand and the Valley Springs Pit contains 50% sand.

As the new young construction engineer on the project, you are asked to determine how much material should be taken from each pit in order to minimize the cost of material.

    (a) Define the decision variables
    (b) Write the constraints in mathematical form
    (c) Write the objective function in mathematical form
    (d) Find the optimum solution using the graphical method (how much material should the contractor take from each pit in order to minimize the overall cost of the material?)
    (e) If you had not been hired, the contractor would have used 60,000 m3 from Bloomingdale and 40,000 m3 from Valley Springs. How much did you save the company by giving them the experts advice as your answer to Question (d)?
    (f) Solve part (d) using Excel Solver and attach a printout of the program output to your homework submission. Mark clearly the optimal solution in the output using a highlighter.

structural systems P

select a structure ( parking garage, mid/high rise building, bridge,
culvert, etc)
For the selected structure, define all applicable loads
Define the different structural elements
Define the vertical load transfer system
Define the lateral load transfer system
Define the type of foundation or support