What are the main foundations of the transatlantic relationship between the EU and the US?

Tittle: What are the main foundations of the transatlantic relationship between the EU and the US?

I want 0% plagiarism on this essay
I want 8 Sources on this essay 
This essay has to be Harvard refrencing
I have uploaded Lecture slides and some notes I took in class. 

This analytical exercise is a short essay, limited in scope. It requires students to apply theoretical and conceptual approaches to specific issues or case studies of contemporary European governance. It is designed to promote a synoptic understanding of the different elements of the course, specifically the evaluation of theoretical positions in the context of the findings of empirical case studies.
It requires students to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of specific theoretical and conceptual approaches to issues of European governance.  Successful completion of this task requires a good theoretical and empirical grounding in the field of European governance and the ability to synthesise material from a wide range of sources in the development of an independent analytical argument.
Essays should be typed, paginated and double-spaced.  They must include a bibliography of the sources used and be properly referenced.  Essays that do not have a satisfactory bibliography or references will be penalised and essays with no bibliography or no attempt at referencing will be failed. 

discuss essay in terms of strengths and weaknesses

The following essay (attached separately as a pdf document) has been submitted by a colleague of mine last year, the essay is about Management Studies I assignment. Please read it carefully and discuss it in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Start by summarising the main points/arguments that the essay is making; decide if the essay answers the essay question mentioned at the top of the page; and critically discuss the main points in light of the proper literature. Please also refer to how the essay is written in general, its structure, its presentation (i.e. grammar), referencing, and academic conventions more broadly. Finally, provide suggestions for how the essay could be improved.

Please make sure you:

refer to the peer-reviewed literature (notably journal articles)
stick to the word count (2,000) excluding the referencing
check the marking criteria
reference your essay according to the Harvard referencing style

invest funds in 8 assets consisting of 4 US equities and 4 foreign currencies with USD as the home currency.

JP Morgan Asset Management

You are a Hedge Fund Manager for JP Morgan Asset Management. You are in charge of a $3M fund pool. Your clients have instructed you to invest the fund in US assets predominantly in equities and foreign currencies with USD as the home currency. You decide to create a hedge fund portfolio of 8 assets consisting of 4 US equities and 4 foreign currencies with USD as the home currency. Use the Bloomberg terminal to select and gather data for these assets. The following conditions apply:

Your clients indicated that you are to invest the $3M in these assets. You do not have to use all 8 assets in the pool; however, your pool should consist of a combination of equity and f/x assets (and demonstrate your analysis in these 8 assets even if you do not use all of them at the end). You should aim to use most, if not, all of the $3M in the investment pool.
You should describe the risk attitude of your clients (loving, neutral or averse). In any case, your clients intend to maximise returns for any level of a given risk.
As a hedge fund manager, you are allowed to have a long and a short positions in these assets. For example, if you employ both a long and a short positions, then it is possible for your long position to go over $3M for as long as the total long and short positions is $3M.
Your clients also require you to provide rationale for the assets chosen in the investment. For instance, if you decide to invest in TSLA stock, the rationale behind this decision (e.g. transparency, liquidity, growth, returns, etc.). You can also add Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) such as income statement, balance sheet, financial ratios, segment data, credit rating, earnings estimate, relative performance, share price performance, etc.) to your analysis.
In terms of historical trade data, you should use and/or analyse minimum of 5 years worth of data at a monthly frequency. Please include COVID-19 periods in your data selection and analysis.


JP Morgan Asset Management department has asked you to write a report outlining your recommendation as to which assets your clients should invest in. When compiling this report, your clients expect to see tables outlining the respective relevant information for each of these assets as well as appendices demonstrating all relevant calculations.

When preparing the report, you have been asked to address the following points:
Calculate the average return on the asset, the standard deviation of the assets returns as well as a risk-adjusted return measure for the asset.
When conducting your fundamentals analysis, that you use the top-down approach to justify your choice of markets and assets.
That you find and highlight the key findings of relevant research or literature (including newspapers articles, investor reports, etc.) on each of the asset classes and specific markets.

Structure of the Report

The report should be structured as follows:
1. COVER PAGE, which should contain:
a) A relevant title for the report.
b) The word count for the report (excluding the title page, executive summary, table of contents, tables and figures, appendices, and references).
2. TABLE OF CONTENTS, which should contain:
a) A full list of sections (including executive summary, references, bibliographic materials, and any appendices).
b) The page number of which each section begins.
3. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, which should:
a) Highlight the key points and findings of the report.
b) Be in the third person and use the present tense, e.g. This report compares.
4. INTRODUCTION, which should:
a) Give a succinct explanation of the aims, scope and context of the report.
b) Include brief details and definitions for any information necessary for the reader to understand the report.
5. MAIN BODY, which should:
a) Provide the main critical analysis of the different markets and securities as well as any relevant research on the topic.
b) Provide relevant figures and compare this with the respective base lines.
6. CONCLUSION, which should
a) Briefly summarise the aims and key findings of the report.
b) Make a recommendation to JP Morgan Asset Management Team as to how the team should invest providing justifications for this recommendation.
a) The list of references lists the details of any material that have actually been cited in the report (full details of the source should be given using the Westminster Harvard referencing system).
b) The bibliography lists the details of any other sources that you may have referred to when preparing the report but not actually cited in the report itself (full details of the source should be given using the Westminster Harvard referencing system).
c) Details of the Westminster Harvard referencing system can be found at
8. APPENDIX, which should:
a) Provide calculations for the figures used in the report and highlight the respective formulae used.
b) Include any other material that you feel may be relevant but does not warrant being included in the report.

predefined time boundaries


Critically discuss the role of predefined time boundaries in the organisation and management of projects

You are required to submit a fully referenced analytical paper of 3,000 words, with 20-30 appropriate references, such as New York Times, peer-reviewed journal articles, books and other scholarly works (no wiki or google)

The purpose of this term paper is to encourage you to read and assimilate theoretical and conceptual material that is most probably new to you. Your task is to present evidence of your findings (essentially a literature review – with references) through writing in an analytical style about that material.

In order to answer the question, you will need to identify a range of relevant published material. Your paper should present a discussion of the literature and identify what might be problematic (or beneficial) with pre-defined time boundaries in project organisations, analyse these issues by thinking critically about the different concepts involved and present conclusions on your findings. You are encouraged not to place excessive emphasis upon your own opinion. Your role involves the presentation of relevant information, its analysis and the formulation of a critique relevant to the question set.

Define counselling

To explain the Concept of Counselling.
You are asked to identify different helping strategies within the caring professions including one example of voluntary and one example of statutory provision. Define Counselling and explain boundary issues. Offer an explanation of the importance of equality of opportunity in the counselling relationship and explain the importance of theory in underpinning competence.

Construction Management

Hi, I would like help on this assignment. I am an undergraduate student studying construction management in Dublin.

For this assignment I am tasked with finding and comparing Project Management Document Control Software. The assignment should look at how the chosen software would and needs to work for the client, design team, contractors, sub contractor.

I have attached the assignment brief and ALSO AN ASSIGNMENT DONE BY NOTHER STUDENT A COUPE OF YEARS AGO. His assignment gives great help with my one however it cannot be the exact same as his one. Also, there may be newer document control software on the market that should be included in the assignment!


Choose one of 5 topics provided from the instruction, follow the guidelines and Data resources provided (links), word limit- 1200
High academic standard research paper, the research must demonstrate professional macroeconomic analysis, macroeconomic education background required for the writer.
This is a postgraduate assessment, please provide in-depth insight of the research analysis. 
NO DELAY of work completion accepted.

International Business Stratergy

If you have a look at the uploaded material, there will be a list of suggested topics to choose from. I have chosen option A and the company and country i have gone with is Uber in the UK.

Please do a few slides on who UBER are and then use strategic analysis tools such as PESTLE analysis, Porter’s diamond model and SWOT analysis to analyse UBER in the UK.

Please include references.

If any questions arise, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Write a critical response to the following essay title: 

To what extent is inequality a necessary evil? 

1. Brief introduction with background (e.g. Provide a definition of inequality.  How/where/why does it occur? How is it measured?). Approx. 150 words.

2. How does society benefit/suffer from inequality? (e.g. who benefits and suffers?) Approx. 350 words.

3. Conclusion that answers the question (refer to 1 and 2 above; evidence from the texts; link to your own knowledge and experience). Approx. 200 words.  You may need to amend your original essay plan to ensure you address all three areas above.

Only cite ideas from the texts provided and NOT additional texts.  You do not need to provide a reference list but you must acknowledge your sources throughout your response.


the report should have:
an introduction

theoretical framework which should include
Shipping supply and demand and the 10 factors that influence them (from Maritime Economics M.Stophord)
Market equilibrium
Freight Rate Mechanism (I will send a journal article)the supply and demand curves as well as a graph with both of them
economies of scale(mega ships -mega ports)

presentation of the relevant data and market analysis (TANKER Market)the analysis should be only on the freight market
Real Supply & Demand
approaching peak of economes of scale(megaships)
market disequilibrium
factors affecting the market must mention:

corona virus(

us/china trade war

oil sanctions/embargo(Venezuela, Iran) that raises the price of oil

IMO 2020

Evaluation of Shipping year 2019
Things to consider
market disequilibrium
oil price
overegulation of the market

profitable year???

Market Outlook
supply-demand are we going to equilibrium — no
freigh rates
world trade
world GPD

Reccomendations for ship owners

(use as many graphs and tables you think are necessary) i have uploaded the assessment brief and most material you will need.