Category: harvard style

Corporate Governance, Leadership and Strategy

This case study need to be based on the Corporate governance failures that lead to Shrewsbury and Telford NHS Trust maternity scandal. The critic assignment must be based on Corporate Governance concepts, theories, models, leadership, strategy, processes, techniques and latest developments

There has to be clear case timeframes and NHS governance critical academic articles. Application of UK Code of Governance, FRC reports

Applying event study methodology to calculate market reaction to takeover announcement.

assignment applying EVENT STUDY methodology to calculate market reaction to takeover announcements.
The paper needs to use EXCEL to sort out the data, use STATA for regression analysis, and then put the analysis results into the essay, which requires the knowledge of ECONOMETRICS.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Your answers must be direct, grammatically correct, coherent, and precise.
It is postulated [assumed] that no writing happens in a vacuum. Writing is produced in reaction to present/past life experience or past reading experience [back catalogue]. Discuss this postulate in-depth and support your discussions with illustrative examples.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

It is postulated [assumed] that no writing happens in a vacuum. Writing is produced in reaction to present/past life experience or past reading experience [back catalogue]. Discuss this postulate in-depth and support your discussions with illustrative examples.
Your answers must be direct, grammatically correct, coherent, and precise.

International Business Strategy Case Study

Using whatever theory and examples you think are useful, discuss the main organisational characteristics and environmental conditions you would expect to see if an emergent process of strategy is likely to be successful. How would this be different for a more prescriptive approach to strategy?

Organizational Characteristics:
Products and services

Environmental conditions:
Pace of change

These key-points are required to be answered with examples in the essay.

A sample outline explanation is attached but the headlines are different in this sample. The essay needs to be written in this format but different headlines from the sample.

International Business Strategy Case Study

Using whatever theory and examples you think are useful, discuss the main organisational characteristics and environmental conditions you would expect to see if an emergent process of strategy is likely to be successful. How would this be different for a more prescriptive approach to strategy?

A structure example is attached. The essay has to be written in this structure like the one on the essay sample structure. The headlines in the sample structure is different from what is required but the layout has to be the same.

International Business Strategy Case Study

The questions that are needed to be answered in the essay about the case study, will be uploaded 14th. The final essay will be uploaded in 16th latest at 10 AM. I uploaded the case study, information about the essay and some previous questions to give a hint abut the upcoming questions.

Descriptive Analysis Report

You are required to explore your chosen dataset and provide a textual and visual narrative for the benefit of your of your managers. They want to see a combination of incisive data analysis and effective information visualisation to convey a compelling narrative, which will inform future decision-making.

This narrative will be in the form of an individual report. To provide a more complete treatment, you are required to use both MS Excel and SAS JMP to generate the analyses. Multiple screenshots from both packages are expected. The following elements should be present in some form:
    Descriptive Statistics on the key elements of the data; This can be done in Excel, but JMP is a good option to consider here.
    Effective data visualisation, i.e., graphs, charts, pivot tables, and (specifically in Excel), cell formatting.
    Categorical data analysis; JMP is the best option here.
    Description and brief instructions on any elements of your Excel worksheets that allow user interaction, e.g., VLOOKUP functions or drop-down lists.
    A interpretive narrative which conveys your insights in a professional manner.

Deliverables: 3 parts
1. The main reportThis should provide all the insight that you want to convey to your managers. They should not be required to access the Excel workbook or JMP data table to digest the report. (2500 words)

2.    The Excel workbook used to generate your analyses.
3.    JMP data table and attached scripts used to generate your analyses.

Purchasing management

This is a 2750 Report in my purchasing management class that asks us to to reflect and go into more depth on our negotiation plan and negotiations video the will be attached as link. More details will also be explained in a link below. (The last part on the negotiations strategy was based on Chris Voss negotiations master class. It will have to be sighted as for the rest of the info.)
Thank you

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment evaluates the current and potential future Business Model of an organisation. You run your own consultancy company and have been contacted by an agency called Fishlock Associates. Fishlock Associates represent:
Mothercare Limited;
Thomas Cook Limited.
The fortunes of both these companies (Mothercare and Thomas Cook) have declined significantly in recent years and now they require your help.