Category: Harvard

Hotel Resorts

Make sure that there is a flow in text. Please include abstract please see screenshots Task: Individual Essay: In the context of a hotel resort and your knowledge of the subject areas studied in the Hotel Services Management unit, discuss how hotel resorts may combine appropriate facilities and organizational resources, operational effectiveness and relevant customer services to ensure customer satisfaction. You may cite examples of good hotel resort industry practice and combine this with your knowledge of the subject areas studied in the Hotel Services Management unit. Maximum 2000 words. Marking Criteria: a) /30 The quality and extent of the discussion associated with the identification of appropriate hotel resort facilities and organizational resources, operational effectiveness and relevant customer services. b) /30 The quality and extent of the discussion related to customer satisfaction in the context of the combination of appropriate hotel resort facilities and organizational resources, operational effectiveness and relevant customer services. c) /25 The extent and relevance of the industry practice and Hotel Services Management unit subject content referred to. d) /15 The overall presentation of the essay and the degree of substantiation and referencing evident. Please note: the term ‘quality’, in the marking criteria above, refers to the relevance, intelligibility and coherence of the discussion. This assignment I really need an A in because this essay is 70% of my grade. Make sure everything flows together the structure. and connect the paragraphs transition my school follows the MMU harvard style which I attached. Please include at least. 18 references but more the better/ 2000 words

Here is full referencing guide:
Quick referencing guide:

“Affect and trust as predictors of public support for armed police: evidence from London”,

Read the article ‘Affect and trust as predictors of public support for armed police: evidence from London’, Policing and Society, 29 (9): 1058-1076.  This is the ARTICLE you need to review for this paper.
You are expected to critically analyse the methods used in this article in your assessment. 

ittle: Can Realism offer us anything other than the promotion of pure power politics? What are the implications of your answer for the application of Realism to 21st century international relations?

Essay Tittle: Can Realism offer us anything other than the promotion of pure power politics? What are the implications of your answer for the application of Realism to 21st century international relations?

I want 0% plagiarism 
Please use valuable source 
I want 8 sources on my essay 

I have uploaded the lecture PowerPoints

Essay Structure
Provide a clear and direct answer to the question
Summarise the steps of your argument. Be specific! What will you say/do at each point?

Main body of the essay
A series of steps providing arguments and evidence in support of your answer
What are your most interesting points? Include them here, not just in your conclusion!
Your explanations of key items of evidence
Your analyses of theories and ideas from the literature which support your argument
Dont try to include too much maybe 2-4 key points you need to make
Signpost make sure the reader can see why you are including things and why they have been placed where they are

No surprises or plot twists!
Restate your answer to the question
Recap the points you have made to justify and explain your answer


Assignment Brief
Task 1:
1. Define the concept and application of cryptography.
2. Explain symmetric and asymmetric modes and approaches
3. Assess how cryptographic methods and standards underpin the communications security of cyber-enabled networks and devices

Task 2:
1. Explain the key principles of the related standards, regulations and laws and why they are in place.
2. Assess the consequences for organisations and individuals of non-compliance with these standards, regulations and laws

Task 3:
1. Explain the methods of attack used to target encrypted data.
2. Assess the additional encryption methods available
3. Explain the key principles of escrow and recovery
4. Explain the importance of having robust encryption arrangements within IT systems

See attached files…

Any topic (writer’s choice)

This assignment evaluates the current and potential future Business Model of an organization. You
run your own consultancy company and have been contacted by an agency called Fishlock
Associates. Fishlock Associates represent:
Mothercare Limited;
Thomas Cook Limited.
The fortunes of both these companies (Mothercare and Thomas Cook) have declined significantly in
recent years and now they require your help.

Industrial Wastewater in Kuwait

This assignment has two tasks:

1) Create a list of all industrial wastewater sources in Kuwait
2) Write a page and a half regarding industrial wastewater locations in Kuwait, treatment methods, and % of treatment and reuse with references

In addition to this, the assignment will require a Works Cited page and Harvard referencing

Marketing Research Report

Conduct a marketing research project. You need to choose one research problem (from a given list, see details in the assignment brief), develop the hypotheses, summarize preliminary insights, design a questionnaire, collect data, and conduct analysis, and make recommendations, etc.. .There are two important points. Firstly I need a brief summary of the project in 250 words. Secondly, there is a methodology part and I need to use Qualtrics. When you writing this part you need to create questions for the survey. after you write it please send it to me first so I can paste the questions to the website and conduct a survey and send it to the results for the upcoming parts. Also I’m putting the samples and examples of surveys questions to additional materials

Marketing Research Report

Conduct a marketing research project. You need to choose one research problem (from a given list, see below), develop the hypotheses, summarize preliminary insights, design a questionnaire, collect data, and conduct analysis, and make recommendations, etc.. There are two important points. Firstly I need a brief summary of the project in 250 words. Secondly, there is a methodology part and I need to use Qualtrics. When you writing this part you need to create questions for the survey. after you write it please send it to me first so I can paste the questions to the website and conduct a survey and send it to the results for the upcoming parts. Also I’m putting the samples and examples of surveys questions to additional materials

Behavioral Economics

The assignment is split into two separate documents, the first is

” A statistical evaluation of a behavioural intervention” is the evaluate the statistical measures that are already put in place to measure behavioural intervention and state why. Comment on why it was affected and relate to any drawbacks on the research.

The assignment should focus on one intervention. Equally important I will need to also use Stata for this assignment. I will need to research a dataset which will be downloaded and be used to create tables and charts for that intervention plus explain what the dataset shows which is the analysis (empirical analysis).

The second part of this assignment is

“Critically evaluate the decision to save for retirement using insights from traditional economic theory and behavioural economics”

I need to examine, why people will choose to save up for retirement. In my analysis, I should use research and studies that have been conducted in this field and evaluate its effectiveness. This paper is just theory-based. Here I can go in-depth on behavioural intervention, how does traditional economic theory differ from saving retirement

turism in post COVID era

m key questions are asked:
What has changed in the past year? What remained the same?
What positives have we learned from the pandemic and can we apply in the future?
What new practices have we introduced and returned to the old ones?
How much have occupations and economic activities and the way they function changed during the pandemic?
Answers to previously asked questions
are in an interdisciplinary approach that as a scientific basis and explanation offers a symbiosis of sociology, psychology, communication, political
and educational sciences, economics and marketing. Combining knowledge from all these disciplines leads to a qualitative shift that leads to the creation of a broader understanding of the changes caused by the coronavirus pandemic, as
and how the overall situation will affect all spheres of human life with an emphasis on interpersonal relationships, education, communication, but also tourism as an important branch of the economy.
Given the interdisciplinarity of the topic of the conference, we bring an overview of related topics on which a quality scientific discussion can be conducted:
The impact of a pandemic on society and interpersonal relationships
The impact of the pandemic on business and the employer-employee relationship
The impact of the pandemic on the business productivity of the working age population
The impact of the pandemic on business and private life
Program Committee – Co-Chairs
Doc. dr. sc. Damir Jugo, Edward Bernays University College
Doc. dr. sc. Damir Krei, Institute of Tourism
Doc. dr. sc. Branko Ani, Institute for Social Research
Family and social entrepreneurship in the function of sustainable tourism development
Consequences and results of socially responsible behavior of companies in a pandemic
New forms and ways of business communication in the business world
Crisis communication in response to a pandemic
Public appearances of opinion creators (organizations, doctors, scientists, companies, politicians)
The role of the media in education
Online teaching – a necessary evil or a good solution Pandemic media coverage and spread
mass panic
Misinformation and critical evaluation
The role of media and new technologies in tourism
– a shift from manipulation to the common
Metamorphosis of tourism through rural development
New tourism products for tourism of the new age New paradigm of tourism
Networking through connecting special forms
Emotional communication through experience and
interpretation in a tourist destination
Tourist destination as a place for personal
Creative industry in creating experiences in
Models of education of local community, employees and
stakeholders in destinations
We invite scientists, researchers and doctoral students to submit presentations on these topics.