Category: Havard

Is television essentially live as a medium?

The answer could only be yes it is or no is not, required to use more than three readings from the list(core reading prefer), encourage to do more research

Need to discuss relate to lectures

Formal writing, critical thinking, academic vocabulary

Contact me for sources of reading list which you have issues with accessing

Critically evaluate Levitts view of global strategy

The globalization of markets is at hand. With that, the multinational
commercial world nears its end, and so does the multinational
corporationThe multinational corporation operates in a number of countries,
and adjusts its products and processes in each, at high relative cost. The
global corporation operates with resolute constancy…it sells the same things in
the same way everywhere (Levitt, 1983).
With reference to relevant literature, critically evaluate Levitts view of global strategy


Assessment 6: Op-Ed (50% of final mark)
Students have to write an individual paper for this module. The paper should
have an extension of 1500 words (+/-10%).
The op-ed entry should show evidence of independent research and reading. A
minimum of 5-10 relevant academic references should be used and correctly
referenced in the paper, and sources used should go beyond the reading
provided in this Module Study Guide. Sources should be correctly cited in
consistency with Harvard referencing style.

Topic 6. Migration
1. What challenges does the movement of people pose for states and

3. How does migration affect people in different states and societies?

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Hello – I would like an review on the pdf ‘Black identity’ (the main article), discussing the reasons why black students underachieve.

The introduction needs to include that I am a black woman and why the paper relates to me.

Also, I would like you to include other papers (which I have attached) to support the main article. Also you can use other articles that are relevant.

Attached is the main article (black identity), two other articles and the essay structure (can be loosely followed).

I am looking to achieve a 1st Grade (70% and higher).


We have seen increasing numbers of thefts from nightclubs, where people have their phone/wallet/handbag stolen. Its beginning to have an impact on us! To do some clever problem solving, we need to do some better research around the attitudes of people on a night out, particularly storing valuables.

I need you to read through this guide: and then have a think about a questionnaire/survey you could develop which would help us understand what people do with their valuables on a night out. Have a think about the key things we may need to understand to change behaviour (e.g. cost of stolen goods, likelihood of goods being stolen). Feel free to give me a call and we can talk about this in a bit more detail!

use other criminlogy research and develop a questionnaire or survey

5 references of criminology related to the research. The questions created needs a reason behind each one please

Social Care

You are required to complete a project on ONE of the following topics:

    A client with a chronic illness such as Alzheimers disease or Parkinsons disease. OR
    An older person with depression or other mental health illness.

Your project should include the following aspects:

Introduction 8 marks
    Description of the illness and the prevalence of the illness in Ireland and worldwide.
    Compare the statistics of the illness in Ireland with another non-EU country, detailing the differences and how cultural and ethical issues impact the disease.

Main Body 20 marks
    The care needs of the client and the changes that needed to be made due to the diagnosis of the illness.
    Your role in the care of the client
    The role the care setting and the other members of the care team have in the clients overall care.
    Discuss 3 services that can improve the quality of care of the client for example: day centres, evening classes, social groups etc.

Conclusion 8 marks
    Planning for end of life care is an important part of the care of all clients discuss ways to approach the subject and how you can gather the information in a sensitive and caring manner.
    Detail 2 health promotion initiatives that you could implement with the client.

4 marks will be allocated for good referencing, formatting of project and overall layout.

Please follow the guidelines below when completing the project:
    Word count for the project 2500 to 3000 words.
    Research you need to conduct your own research in relation to the topic using appropriate external sources.
    The project should be typed and use headings as appropriate.
    If basing your project on a client you care for please ensure that you maintain confidentiality at all times.

write a blog post for the general public based on the content you have learned throughout the term. The blog post should be 500 words

I want you to pretend you have been asked by the university to write a blog post about
something you have learned in the Border Criminology Module. You should focus on an
aspect of the module you have found interesng, or that you have developed an opinion on
that you think the general public might also be interested in.
As for exactly what to write about, you have two opons:
(A) You can go for breadth , by including material from mulple topics (weeks)
covered in the class; OR
(B) You can go for depth , and include only material from 1 specific topic covered in
the class
You should format this to look like a proper blog post. Make it visually appealing and easy to
read. Consider including an engaging tle to aract readers, and pictures to make it look like
a typical blog post (if you take pictures from the internet, please make sure you have
permission to use them).
Remember you are targeng the general public, people who know lile to nothing about
Border Criminology. As this is a blog, you can be less formal in your wring than a typical
piece of assessment, but you must sll reference academic literature (and include a
reference list at the end). I want to know your opinion, but you must sll back it up.
To submit, type your blog post in a Word document, and copy & paste the pictures into the
appropriate locaon in the text then upload to turnin as you would any other assignment.

Your blog post should be 500 words long (not including the reference list).
example of a good blog:

Is there a causal link between drugs and crime? Support your answer with relevant facts and examples.

Carlgit reply: For this task, you need to choose an essay question from the list provided below and
complete a 1,500-word essay that puts forward an original argument around, and substantial
analysis of, the selected topic.(Do not go over the 1800 words) this doesn’t include the bibliography. 20 References minimum required

Drugs, Crime and Social Exclusion in The British Journal of Criminology
Article  by Toby Seddon  2006  Essential
Drugs and crime
Book  by Philip Bean  2014  Recommended

Assessing the impact of a high-intensity partnership between the police and drug treatment service in addressing the offending of problematic drug users in Policing and Society
Article  by David Best; Deborah Walker; Elizabeth Aston; Charlotte Pegram; Geraldine O’Donnell  2010  Recommended
In search of respect: selling crack in El Barrio
Book  by Philippe I. Bourgois  2003  Recommended
The Changing Shape of Street-Level Heroin and Crack Supply in England: Commuting, Holidaying and Cuckooing Drug Dealers Across County Lines in The British Journal of Criminology
Article  by Ross Coomber; Leah Moyle  2018  Recommended

The normalisation of drug supply: The social supply of drugs as the other side of the history of normalisation in Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Article  by Ross Coomber; Leah Moyle; Nigel South  2016  Recommended
Key concepts in drugs and society
Book  by Ross Coomber; Karen McElrath; Fiona Measham; Karenza Moore  2013  Recommended
See chapter 20 (Drug related violence), chapter 21 (drugs and crime), chapter 33 (drug dealers), chapter 24 (drug markets: difference and diversity) and chapter 35 (drug trafficking)
Chasing the scream: the search for the truth about addiction
Book  by Johann Hari  2019  Recommended
See part 3 ‘Angels’
Drugs crime and criminal justice in Drugs: policy and politics
Chapter  by Rhidian Hughes; Nerys Anthony  Recommended

County lines violence, exploitation & drug supply 2017 – national briefing report
Document  by National Crime Agency  2017  Recommended
Assessing UK drug policy from a crime control perspective in Criminology & Criminal Justice
Article  by Peter Reuter; Alex Stevens  2008  Recommended
Drugs, alcohol, and crime in The Oxford handbook of criminology
Chapter  by Nigel South; Fiona Measham  RecommendedThats their brand, their business: how police officers are interpreting County Lines in Policing and Society
Article  by Jack Spicer  2019  Recommended
When two dark figures collide: Evidence and discourse on drug-related crime in Critical Social Policy
Article  by Alex Stevens  2007  Recommended

Drugs, crime and public health: the political economy of drug policy
Book  by Alex Stevens  2011  Recommended
See chapter 3 (Beyond the tripartite framework: the subterranean structuration of the drug-crime link) and chapter 4 (Telling policy stories: governmental use of evidence and policy on drugs and crime)

The Victimization of Dependent Drug Users in European Journal of Criminology
Article  by Alex Stevens; Daniele Berto; Ulrich Frick; Viktoria Kerschl; Tim McSweeney; Susanne Schaaf; Morena Tartari; Paul Turnbull; Barbara Trinkl; Ambros Uchtenhagen; Gabriele Waidner; Wolfgang Werdenich  2007  Recommended

From Social Supply to Real Dealing in Journal of Drug Issues
Article  by Matthew Taylor; Gary R. Potter  2013  Recommended
Narconomics: how to run a drug cartel
Book  by Tom Wainwright  2017  Recommended

For this assignment you are asked to review a Home Office policy document:

Home Office (2010). Protecng Our Border, Protecng the Public. The UK Border Agencys Five Year
Strategy for Enforcing our Immigraon Rules and Addressing Immigraon and Cross Border Crime
(London: Home Office). Available at:

you are asked to make a
judgement on the policy put forward by the UK government in 2010. Make sure you comment
crically on the document. Idenfy the purpose, the main points, and the polical movaons
behind the policy. Then evaluate them. Think about the arcles and chapters that you have read,
what are the results of this policy? What impact has it had? Was it a good policy? A bad one? Was it
well informed? Are there any unstated assumpons in the document? Are there any addional
purposes of the policy that are not explicitly stated?
We want to know your opinion, BUT, you must always back it up with academic sources. If you think
it was a great policy, why? Who else supports this? What research has shown the posive impact of
it? If you disagree with the policy, also, why? Have any academics provided evidence of a negave
impact of it in their research? Tell us about it.

Reading list:
Who Counts as a Migrant? Definitions and their Consequences
Webpage  by The Migration Observatory  2019  Essential
Globalization & crime
Book  by Katja Franko Aas  2013  Recommended
Read Chapter 4: ‘The Deviant Immigrant’: Migration and Discourse about Crime.
‘An Inspection into the extent to which the police are identifying and flagging arrested foreign nationals to the Home Office and checking their status
Document  by Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration  2016  Essential
Frontex Risk Analysis 2019
Webpage  by Frontex  2019  Recommended
Policing Humanitarian Borderlands: Frontex, Human Rights and the Precariousness of Life in British Journal of Criminology
Article  by Katja Franko Aas; Helene O. I. Gundhus  01/2015  Recommended

Enlisting the Public in the Policing of Immigration in British Journal of Criminology
Article  by Ana Aliverti  03/2015  Recommended
Hubs and Spokes: The Transformation of the British Prison in The borders of punishment: migration, citizenship, and social exclusion
Chapter  by Emma Kaufman  Essential

still no way out – Foreign national women and trafficked women in the criminal justice system
Document  by Prison Reform Trust  2018  Recommended
Read pages 5 through 13 as minimum

Immigration Detention in the UK
Webpage  by The Migration Observatory  Essential
Can Immigration Detention Centres be Legitimate? Understanding Confinement in a Global World in The borders of punishment: migration, citizenship, and social exclusion
Chapter  by Mary Bosworth  Recommended

Inside Immigration Detention
Book  by Mary Bosworth  2014; 881438158  Recommended
Google Books Logo
Introduction as minimum

Citizenship Deprivation, Security and Human Rights in European Journal of Migration and Law
Article  by Lucia Zedner  2016  Recommended
Interdiction and Indoctrination: The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 in The Modern Law Review
Article  by Jessie Blackbourn; Clive Walker  09/2016  Recommended

Is there a causal link between drugs and crime? Support your answer with relevant facts and examples.

For this task, you need to choose an essay question from the list provided below and
complete a 1,800-word essay that puts forward an original argument around, and substantial
analysis of, the selected topic.(Do not go over the 1800 words) this doesn’t include the bibliography. 20 References minimum required

Drugs, Crime and Social Exclusion in The British Journal of Criminology
Article  by Toby Seddon  2006  Essential
Drugs and crime
Book  by Philip Bean  2014  Recommended

Assessing the impact of a high-intensity partnership between the police and drug treatment service in addressing the offending of problematic drug users in Policing and Society
Article  by David Best; Deborah Walker; Elizabeth Aston; Charlotte Pegram; Geraldine O’Donnell  2010  Recommended
In search of respect: selling crack in El Barrio
Book  by Philippe I. Bourgois  2003  Recommended
The Changing Shape of Street-Level Heroin and Crack Supply in England: Commuting, Holidaying and Cuckooing Drug Dealers Across County Lines in The British Journal of Criminology
Article  by Ross Coomber; Leah Moyle  2018  Recommended

The normalisation of drug supply: The social supply of drugs as the other side of the history of normalisation in Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
Article  by Ross Coomber; Leah Moyle; Nigel South  2016  Recommended
Key concepts in drugs and society
Book  by Ross Coomber; Karen McElrath; Fiona Measham; Karenza Moore  2013  Recommended
See chapter 20 (Drug related violence), chapter 21 (drugs and crime), chapter 33 (drug dealers), chapter 24 (drug markets: difference and diversity) and chapter 35 (drug trafficking)
Chasing the scream: the search for the truth about addiction
Book  by Johann Hari  2019  Recommended
See part 3 ‘Angels’
Drugs crime and criminal justice in Drugs: policy and politics
Chapter  by Rhidian Hughes; Nerys Anthony  Recommended

County lines violence, exploitation & drug supply 2017 – national briefing report
Document  by National Crime Agency  2017  Recommended
Assessing UK drug policy from a crime control perspective in Criminology & Criminal Justice
Article  by Peter Reuter; Alex Stevens  2008  Recommended
Drugs, alcohol, and crime in The Oxford handbook of criminology
Chapter  by Nigel South; Fiona Measham  RecommendedThats their brand, their business: how police officers are interpreting County Lines in Policing and Society
Article  by Jack Spicer  2019  Recommended
When two dark figures collide: Evidence and discourse on drug-related crime in Critical Social Policy
Article  by Alex Stevens  2007  Recommended

Drugs, crime and public health: the political economy of drug policy
Book  by Alex Stevens  2011  Recommended
See chapter 3 (Beyond the tripartite framework: the subterranean structuration of the drug-crime link) and chapter 4 (Telling policy stories: governmental use of evidence and policy on drugs and crime)

The Victimization of Dependent Drug Users in European Journal of Criminology
Article  by Alex Stevens; Daniele Berto; Ulrich Frick; Viktoria Kerschl; Tim McSweeney; Susanne Schaaf; Morena Tartari; Paul Turnbull; Barbara Trinkl; Ambros Uchtenhagen; Gabriele Waidner; Wolfgang Werdenich  2007  Recommended

From Social Supply to Real Dealing in Journal of Drug Issues
Article  by Matthew Taylor; Gary R. Potter  2013  Recommended
Narconomics: how to run a drug cartel
Book  by Tom Wainwright  2017  Recommended