Category: High school

Surface area and Concentration Lab

you need to do the collision theory gizmo, from, then you need to write a research question and include scientific knowledge. after after that you need to create a hypothesis. then you need to outline the controlled variables, and lastly write down all the information for each trial.

Cultural Diversity

Watch the What Baby Boomers Can Learn from Millennials at Work and Vice Versa TED Talks by Chip Conley available at: (Links to an external site.)

Research Cultural Diversity in the workplace from at least 3 additional professional resources.  Write a 3-page paper (title page and reference page are not counted as part of the total) examining the positive impact it has on the workplace.  Conversely, identify any negative effects on organizations who have resisted implementation. Consider your response from the legal, liability, and ethical perspectives. 

Your paper must include: 

An introduction
Summarize the Ted Talk in your own words
Examine the importance of cultural diversity in the workplace
Cite specific research/evidence on the benefits of cultural diversity for the organization and employees
Recommend one solution (team-building exercise, training, etc.) to help an organization embrace cultural diversity. Your solution must be detailed and specific. 
A summary of your paper
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be a submitted as a Microsoft Word document, minimum of three pages with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and sources cited in APA 7th Edition format.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Read the information in Appendix A (especially p. 323) of your textbook for information about writing the introduction to your research proposal before you begin this assignment.

******** Also, under this module, PLEASE watch the YouTube video labeled “WRITING THE LIT REVIEW” on writing an integrative literature review by Dr. Lilia Sevillano before beginning this assignment. You will find this video in the General Resources for Research Proposal Assignment folder. This video is crucial in writing a good introduction for your proposal. *********

Begin the paragraph with indentation. The review is an integrative discussion of the literature on the topic. Your approach should contain these elements:

1. Identify current statistics that highlight the importance of the issue you hope to address with your research. A simple search with Google can give you some research reports that highlight the necessary statistics to illustrate the problem.

2. Follow up with an integrative discussion of the results and conclusions of the studies that have examined aspects of the phenomenon of interest to you. By integrative is meant that you are to find the themes in groups of studies and summarize these. There may be different groups of studies that arrive at different conclusions. A good review is one that is able to identify such studies and offer a critical assessment of the differences in the conclusions drawn.

3. Be careful to cite the literature you use throughout your text. Make your personal views about the methods, and conclusions of the studies you review known in this discussion. Do not be shy about stating your agreement with the methods and conclusions of the various studies you review, and why. If you disagree with the methods and conclusions, state why, and support your position with evidence in the literature. Identify where there could be improvements in the research strategies to clarify any disagreements in the literature, or fill gaps or areas that have hitherto not been examined, and how your current proposal will help in that effort. Summarize the main outstanding gaps in the literature in your review and state why there is a need for your proposed study. End with a prediction of what will happen when your study is performed.

In a nutshell, after one has read your literature review and introduction, one should see a logical reason for why your current research proposal is necessary. A good review is one that achieves this goal. A bad review and introduction lacks focus, and cannot justify the reason or rationale for the research proposal. If your review shows that the research has already been done, then the question that would follow is: what then is the rationale for proposing to do what has already been done? Your rationale for the proposal must be one that introduces a new perspective to the problem, or a new method for addressing the issue.

Watch the documentary and answer the following questions in an essay format (1-2 pages; 11-point font, double spaced, approximately 250-500 words in a DOC or PDF format). Technology of Freedom features social entrepreneurs who have created social innova

Watch the documentary and answer the following questions in an essay format (1-2 pages; 11-point font, double spaced, approximately 250-500 words in a DOC or PDF format).

Technology of Freedom features social entrepreneurs who have created social innovations to solve social problems. Who are those social entrepreneurs?
What type of social innovation did you see (i.e. product, process, etc.)?
Why are they social innovations?
Give another example of social innovation anything ! (NB: do not forget to give me an example of cool social innovation!)

Essay format.

The documentary is on Blackboard and available here:

Watch the documentary and answer the following questions in an essay format (1-2 pages; 11-point font, double spaced, approximately 250-500 words in a DOC or PDF format). Technology of Freedom features social entrepreneurs who have created social innova

Watch the documentary and answer the following questions in an essay format (1-2 pages; 11-point font, double spaced, approximately 250-500 words in a DOC or PDF format).

Technology of Freedom features social entrepreneurs who have created social innovations to solve social problems. Who are those social entrepreneurs?
What type of social innovation did you see (i.e. product, process, etc.)?
Why are they social innovations?
Give another example of social innovation anything ! (NB: do not forget to give me an example of cool social innovation!)

Essay format.

The documentary is on Blackboard and available here:

LastMile Corporation case study 1

First, summarize the case in ONE paragraph

Then, answer the following questions:

What are the other alternatives that LastMile could look at that would create a working relationship between Midwest Technologies and LastMile?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of these alternatives?

What are the objectives that LastMile would like to accomplish out of such a partnership?

What counter-proposal(s) would you recommend?
plagiarism free
2-4 pages in length not counting the title page (see below)
The front title page should contain your name and the title of the assignment.
If you have citations in your essay, you must include a reference page to the end of the essay following the APA standard.

Consumer Protection

Hello Nunzio, I am back. I want to complete what we have started. My friend and I are working on our research which is about Consumer Protection. We will talk about 2 titles under Consumer Protection. The 2 titles are as follows: 1) Consumer privacy 2) Consumer credits. My part is Consumer privacy. My part you already wrote about last time for my presentation but now in the research I want you to use the same style in the attached file. (Title – Findings and Discussion – Conclusions and Recommendations – References)

To what extent does Barbara Krugers conceptual artwork promote feminism?

  IB English A HL essay

I started the essay, only doing the introduction, and there were some points that the teacher had:
-your introduction does miss one part: the hook. The hook should actually introduce your subject matter/topic
-You should add a line of inquiry before your thesis statement. What question does this essay raise? and see how you can internalize identity under feminism

1300-1500 words
no plagiarism

I uploaded the document where I started the essay, the names of the paintings are in the document; you can search them up


Historical Fiction

You are going to choose a modern day traumatic event such as Pepys and Defoe did and write about it. This can be any catastrophe, anyplace in the world from earthquakes, to fires, to tsunamis. . . You are going to write a historical fiction story, based on facts that you are going to learn today in research.

Here are the guidelines:
3 pgs, double spaced, Times New Roman or Arial, 1″ margins (MLA Format)
No extra spaces between lines, paragraphs intended 1/2
2 sources, cited at the end in MLA format (no in-text citations)
Write as a diary- you are there.
Historical Fiction- based on facts that you research.
It must be a real event- you did not need to really be there.
‘Modern’ fiction means any time since 1950.

compare and contrast

Compare and Contrast the opening street fight scene in Romeo in Juliet to the open in West Side Story. Your response should be at least 1 well developed paragraph. 6 to 8 sentences. Use evidence to support your response.
Romeo and Juliet Montagues vs the Capulets
West Side Story The Jets vs the Sharks