Category: High school

Assignment 1: Video/ Essay: The New Heroes – ‘Dreams Of Sanctuary’ (January 26, due January 29) (5%) Dreams of Sanctuary features social entrepreneurs working to address a social problem. Who are those social entrepreneurs? What social problems are they

Assignment 1: Video/ Essay: The New Heroes – ‘Dreams Of Sanctuary’ (January 26, due January 29) (5%)

Dreams of Sanctuary features social entrepreneurs working to address a social problem. Who are those social entrepreneurs?
What social problems are they trying to solve? How?

The documentary is on Blackboard and available here:

You have now read a range of texts stretching from the settlement of Plymouth Colony to the first decades of America’s nationhood. How do the literary voices of the Puritan settlers and their descendants differ from the voices of the Revolutionary Period?

Talk about how the literary voices of the Puritan settlers and their descendants differ from the voices of the Revolutionary period. talk about In what ways they are similar. As you respond, consider the writers’ values, beliefs, and concerns, as well as the historical events that shaped their lives.

whether or not the U.S. should restrict its lands and waters from being tapped for natural resources.

Write an entry for an environmental science blog in which you argue whether or not the U.S. should restrict its lands and waters from being tapped for natural resources.  Your essay must be based on ideas and information that can be found in the Natural Resources passage set.

Be sure to

include a claim;

address counterclaims;

use evidence from both sources;

avoid overly relying on one source.

Your response should be in the form of a multi-paragraph essay.

research paper about British literature different from other literature

Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
Double-space the text of your paper and use a legible font (e.g. Times New Roman). Whatever font you choose, MLA recommends that the regular and italics type styles contrast enough that they are each distinct from one another. The font size should be 12 pt.
Leave only one space after periods or other punctuation marks (unless otherwise prompted by your instructor).
Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides.
Indent the first line of each paragraph one half-inch from the left margin. MLA recommends that you use the Tab key as opposed to pushing the space bar five times.
Create a header that numbers all pages consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin. (Note: Your instructor may ask that you omit the number on your first page. Always follow your instructor’s guidelines.)
Use italics throughout your essay to indicate the titles of longer works and, only when absolutely necessary, provide emphasis.
If you have any endnotes, include them on a separate page before your Works Cited page. Entitle the section Notes (centered, unformatted).You will not have endnotes.

Teenage Pregnancy pregnancy

Please write the argumentative of this.Thank you.

Think back to your teenage years, or for those of you, who are teenagers, think about your life as it is now. This is a time where school occupies a majority of your time and you spend a good amount of your free time out with friends. Your in the early years of your life just thinking and planning for all the success your going to have in the future and everything you aspire to do. At this age, finding out your going to have a child is the most horrifying news for both girls and boys, yet it happens to about 900,000 teenagers in the United States alone each year (Klein, 2005). Teen pregnancy not only affects the teenager herself, but also the child, the families involved, healthcare professionals, educators, and government officials as they try to accommodate and deal with issues that come with teen pregnancy (Klein, 2005). Although the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the industrialized world, it is a problem all over the globe (Klein, 2005). As drug abuse, teen sex, and alcohol increase worldwide, teen pregnancy is also increasing and will continue to rise over the years (Pros and cons,). Teenage childbearing is a problem. Many of the issues we have in todays society wouldnt be as big of a problem if the number of children born to teenagers were decreased.

Unexpected pregnancy in teens creates socioeconomic issues in the mother, and the father of the child, if he is involved in raising the child. One major affect on the mother is a loss of education. Many teenagers who become pregnant end up dropping out of school because they miss too many classes due to feeling sick or simply because of the way it makes them feel when they get looks from other students (Pros and cons,). The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy reports that only 38 percent of teens that have a child before age 18 have a high school diploma (Teen pregnancy, poverty, 2010). This then leads to financial issues because they do not have the education to qualify for a well paying job. Children are expensive to raise, and as the teen mother and in some cases, the father, attempt to buy all the items the baby needs, they usually run into some money problems. Because of the lack of job opportunity due one or both of the parents dropping out of school, this ultimately leads to financial instability in the parents and the child growing up in poverty. Studies show that there is a 67 percent chance that a child will grow up in poverty if the mother gave birth as a teen, the parents were unmarried when the child was born, and the mother did not receive a high school diploma or a GED (Teen pregnancy, poverty, 2010).

Unplanned childbirth in teens also leads to medical risks and causes problems in the development of the child. Studies show that adolescents younger than 17 years have a higher risk of medical complications involving the mother and child than adult women do (Klein, 2005). Because teen pregnancy is looked down upon by society, many teens who become pregnant are in denial or are scared to tell others, which can lead to some very severe health risks in the child. Low birth weight is very common in children of teen mothers because the mother doesnt gain the amount of weight needed during pregnancy (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). This can lead to organs that are not fully developed which can cause bleeding in the brain, respiratory distress syndrome, and intestinal problems (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). These children are also less likely to receive proper nutrition, healthcare, and cognitive and social stimulation, which may cause them to perform lower academically (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). It has been proven that children of teen mothers have increased risks of developmental delay, academic difficulties, behavioral disorders, substance abuse, early sexual activity, depression, and becoming adolescent parents themselves (Klein, 2005).

Although it may seem like teen pregnancy is only an issue for the mother and her family, it is not. The negative effects of teen pregnancy including, school failure, crime, poverty, child abuse, and neglect are all social problems that effect everyone and would decrease dramatically if teen pregnancy werent occurring (Linking teen pregnancy, 2010) Teenagers having children is not only costly to the family, but it also costs the public sector about 9 billion dollars each year because of healthcare costs, increased welfare costs, increased prison costs and lost tax revenue (Linking teen pregnancy, 2010). So, essentially every taxpayer has a part in paying for all these children who are born to teenagers.

As I have talked about throughout my paper, teen pregnancy is a big problem in society today. There are several prevention and awareness programs out there, but with teen pregnancy continuing to rise around the world, I believe that more can be done to decrease this number. Teen pregnancy causes many problems in families, such as low education, financial issues, poverty, and developmental delay and issues in the children. Children, who grow up in poverty with a teen mother or parents, are more likely to be teen mothers themselves and also grow up in poverty (Teen pregnancy and, 2008). This is an issue because it is one big cycle that seems to keep growing larger, and if further steps are not taken to try and help try and prevent it, that will greatly affect future generations and families to come

the American Dream

You will read the three works (Whitman, Hughes, and Oates) and watch the two videos. Identify how each artist interprets the American Dream using language, tone, symbolism, music, and word choice. Discuss and analyze the notion of the American dream in these works. You must use details and quotes from the sources given and format in the MLA8 style. 


Reading to be Analyzed:

Microeconomics – cost of production

1.     What is the significance between implicit and explicit costs in a firm. 

Furthermore, what is the relationship between total product and marginal product, shown by the law of diminishing returns?  Give a descriptive explanation.

        a. Draw / Illustrate and explain the relationship between marginal cost, average variable cost and average total cost and how are these concepts intertwined with the law of diminishing marginal returns?
        b.  What is the difference between the short run and the long run and describe what curve is reflected of the long-run and why.

American author of your choice.

After doing research, write an outline for a paper about an American author of your choice. Remember to organize your outline according to the degree of importance that each idea holds.

From that outline, write an essay of at least 500 words. Remember to check your essay for errors. Include your outline above the actual essay. Replace the heading with your own original title.

Chris McCandless

Introduction: Hook sentence to grab the readers attention
Background knowledge about Chris McCandless
Thesis statement: Chris McCandless was a courageous and inspiring young traveler.
Or Chris McCandless was an ignorant and selfish young man.
1st body paragraph: Ralph Waldo Emerson: How did Chris follow the philosophies of Ralph Waldo
Emerson? You must include two quotes from either Self Reliance or Nature. Make sure to include an
internal citation (Emerson page number)
2nd body: Henry David Thoreau: How did Chris follow the philosophies of Henry David Thoreau? You
must include two quotes from either Walden or Civil Disobedience. Make sure to include an internal
citation (Thoreau page number).
3rd body: You can use a third source that shows ways in which McCandless lived transcendentalist
philosophies. Perhaps you want to use part of the documentary Return to the Wild. You could break
Thoreaus or Emersons two works up into two separate paragraphs.
4th body: This paragraph should be argumentative. You will give your answer to the question:
Was his journey courageous and inspiring or ignorant and selfish? In this paragraph you will state
your claim. Use examples from the sources provided (such as online articles and the documentary).
Address the counterclaim. What does the opposite side believe? Use evidence fr

how to kill a mockingbird

1. One of the novel’s key themes is the difference between rumor and fact. Look at the passages in the first chapter in which Scout describes what she knows about Boo Radley. Which statements seem to be fact and which seem to be fiction? And do you think the child (Scout is six years old when the story begins) can tell the difference? How can you tell?

2. Scout never says how old she was when the book’s events begin, but she offers clues that tell us her exact age at the time. How old is she when she meets Dill? Is her age important to keep in mind as you read the novel? Why or why not?

3. What kind of relationship does Scout have with her brother and her father? How does the loss of her mother affect her and Jem differently, at least according to Scout?

4. In Chapter 2, why does Walter Cunningham’s jaw muscle twitch when his teacher asks him if he forgot his lunch? What other evidence from Chapters 2 and 3 offers insight into the social and economic differences in Maycomb?

5. In Chapter 3, what is the “simple trick” that Atticus advises Scout to use? What evidence is there in this chapter that Atticus uses this “trick” himself? Is there any evidence that he doesn’t always use this “trick” when he talks about people?