Category: High school

In your Essay, you will need to make an historical argument and then provide evidence that supports it. The strongest evidence for historical arguments generally comes from primary source documents. A primary source document is anything (for example, lett

In your Essay, you will need to make an historical argument and then provide evidence that supports it. The strongest evidence for historical arguments generally comes from primary source documents. A primary source document is anything (for example, letters, articles, books, videos, objects, etc.) produced in the time period you are writing about. Scholarly secondary sources (for example, historical articles or books) as well as journalistic articles from reputable sources (for example, the New York Times, NPR, etc.) can also provide strong evidence. Other kinds of more popular sources for example, Wikipedia, blogs, websites, etc. should not be used as evidence to support your arguments.

In last weeks assignment, you came up with explanations for 3 different historical events or trends in psychology. Choose one explanation that you would like to focus on for your Essay (make sure that you do not choose any of the examples that I provided), and start finding evidence to support it. You could:

1) Read the textbook, Wikipedia, and other general sources about your chosen figure and try to find the relevant primary and scholarly sources cited there. In other words, use these general sources to lead you to stronger forms of evidence (like primary and scholarly sources).

2) Search the internet for any primary sources for example, original documents written by your chosen person (for example, on the Psych Classics website) or videos, oral histories, letters, and other documents related to your profile (for example, on the Psychologys Feminist Voices website).

3) Do an index search (for example, on Google Scholar, Psychinfo, etc.) for scholarly articles or books about your chosen person or for primary source documents written by her.

An example Essay topic might be: Galton and his students constantly measured human traits and capacities because they were using these measurements to evaluate individual fitness as part of a eugenic program. Examples of evidence that might be used to support this argument include: a) Quotes from Galtons academic books and articles (for example, Hereditary Talent and Character) where he explains anthropometry (measuring people) in terms of Eugenic goals; b) A historical record showing that Galton and his students all held the Eugenics Chair at University College, London; c) A scholarly research article describing Galtons anthropometric laboratories and their connection to Eugenic societies.

Turn in a paragraph whose first sentence is your main argument (an historical event or trend combined with an explanation for it). Then provide three pieces of good evidence that support your argument (your explanation).

Obesity and its impact on health

would like to answer the following questions:
Does the obesity effect the human health?
Is obesity a hereditary?
Does the fast food increase obesity?
Do you think stop doing some sports is the main reason to have obesity?

i did a survey recently and asked questions including the one above. will attached results for your reference.

kindly make sure you include some statistics and reference of studies.
including reference at end is a must

Beginning in the late 15th century, European Kings and Queens began sponsoring voyages in search of quicker over-seas trade routes to Asia. While most of these voyages did not ultimately lead to the discovery of over-seas trade routes, the discoveries tha

Beginning in the late 15th century, European Kings and Queens began sponsoring voyages in search of quicker over-seas trade routes to Asia. While most of these voyages did not ultimately lead to the discovery of over-seas trade routes, the discoveries that were made had a profound and lasting impact on the world. At a similar time in history, east Asian nations, such as China and Japan, were doing the opposite and effectively killing their expansionist policies and choosing to withdraw into foreign policies of relative isolation.

What factors drove European nations to explore and expand? What factors led east Asian nations to seek policies of relative isolation at the same time as European exploration and expansion?

How do the discoveries of the European explorers continue to impact the western world today? (What impact did the discoveries of European explorers have on North and South America?)

please wright using this

communist manifesto (marxism)

This summative is going to be an essay response as you work towards a deeper understanding of Marxism and its place in economics.

This will be a five page minimum response following MLA formatting, be primarily in ones own words, and identify key insights into the foundational assumptions and perceived flaws of Marxism.

Your paper response must follow this breakdown:
2 pages outlining the key distinctions of Marxist thought according to the Communist Manifesto
2 pages identifying and expanding on Mises critiques from Marxism Unmasked
Plenty of material has been covered in chapters 1 and 6 for you to complete this response. If you feel you need more, I recommend reading chapter 7 with further economic argumentation from Mises.
1 page of your own analysis and which side you feel makes the stronger arguments overall.

This should be a minimum of 5 pages

Im not concerned with an introduction. You can start right into your outline of Marx or Mises, but I am looking for strong paragraph construction. Please use this link if you need help structuring paragraphs.

Crim 2330 Assignment

Written Assignment     
In this assignment you will explain an offender with a biopsychosocial perspective, using research from empirical sources. This assignment is intended to provide an opportunity to integrate and apply the various concepts discussed in class and the readings. For this assignment you will research and provide potential theoretical explanations that may have contributed to a true-life offender’s crime(s). You must choose two theories from two different categories of theories. The categories are:social theories (chapters 7, 8 and parts of 4 that discuss social aspects like parenting), biological theories (chapters 2 and 3) and psychological theories (chapters 5, 6, 9 and 10). In your analysis of the offender, explain how well these theories explain the offender. Importantly, also discuss research on this theory and include any limitations of this theory. The research should be on the theory and how it explains the type of crimes/violence/antisocial behaviour of your chosen offender. For instance, if your chosen offender committed sexual homicides and youve chosen paraphilia as a theory, the research should be about the connection between paraphilia and sexual homicide or violence. Do not forget that you also need an introduction and conclusion for your paper. This assignment is due on November 23, 2000. Late assignments will be penalized 5% per day. Papers submitted more than one week late will not be accepted. Please see the marking rubric on the next page for more details on how this will be marked. Your paper will need to have an introduction and a conclusion. 

  For this assignment you will choose a real life offender and explain their behaviour with two theories, using research studies. You will relate these theories to the offender’s actions and/or psychosocial history. You will also examine the applicability of these two theories critically, including any limitations the theory as (e.g. limited research support; behaviours the theory doesnt explain well; behaviours the theory cannot explain at all). A detailed description of this assignment is in the back pages of this syllabus, and a marking rubric 

American Dream

Answer this question, If the American Dream isnt possible, what are the barriers and limitations?
Include this evidence ,:”In the text it about an afican american that has a job and is treated very different than the white men that sit on a table while he eats in the kitchen he hopes on day that he will sit with the white man and he is not ashamed to be an american that is treated different. “
“This text is about a man who was not given the same opportunities as a white man. It talks about how they didnt have any equality or freedom. It also talks about there being certain groups in American who are trying to become successful but people with power crush their dreams and wont allow them to grow. “

Developmental Milestones

Developmental milestones
One of the measurements that can be used to determine a childs developmental progression is to compare the child to the typical developmental milestones. Some examples of developmental milestones are when an infant first sits up, crawls, and walks. There are also developmental milestones for communication, emotional, and social development. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) provides some extensive information on developmental milestones for infants and young children. (Hint: Type “CDC: Developmental Milestones” into your preferred search engine.)

Why is understanding a childs developmental milestones so important, especially communication, social, and emotional development?


Informative essay on the US Army values. Its importance and how it relates to daily life of a solider.

Font is Arial, with a point size 12
Use double spacing
Use the five (5) paragraph format
Strong purpose statement
No more than 15 words per sentence

the rise of a fascist government in Europe during the early 20th century.

Write a research paper analyzing the rise of a fascist government in Europe during the early 20th century.

Consider looking at the following areas to research:
– Effects of the Treaty of Versailles on that country
– Role of the local news media and propaganda
– Legality of the Dictators rise to power
-Changes in the economy that led to a fascist government
-Social and Cultural factors
-International responses

You will need a MINIMUM of 4 credible sources.
-Wikipedia is not a credible source!
-Google Scholar is a great tool to find credible sources
-Also use sites that end in .edu or .gov for better reliability

Points breakdown
-70 points for the subject matter
-15 points for correct in text citations
-15 points for correct work cited page

If you do not use any in text citations or provide a work cited page the paper will be returned to you and marked with a zero until they are provided.