Category: Mobile applications development

An android communication app

An android communication app with with three users (co-ordinator,teacher,parent) and an administrator( hostel administrator). The administrator should be able to select a particular student from a database of students and send a message( text/doc/video/image) to that student’s parent/teacher/coordinator.A two-factor authentication for the admin to strengthen the security

App should be scalable and extensible

More details provided in Client and Criteria B

Working of the code to be explained according to criterion C

GPS Application

It is a GPS application to be implemented initially for only two users, features required:

1) show the real-time location of each user
2) place a marker at every point stopped at by each user and the path that was followed is shown

The application should provide a login screen and after having logged in the user can view all the online users as well. The login could be an email and a password

– Google maps and GPS required
– maybe Firebase database for the login
– please include comments as much as possible to help understand the code

Just need a simple initial implementation, nothing too fancy or complex

Lost and Found Application

It is a GPS application to be implemented initially for only two users, features required:

1) show the real-time location of each user
2) place a marker at every point stopped at by each user and the path that was followed is shown
3) be able to send a request of a meeting point and the other user can either accept or decline and if accepted then follows the way to that point

The application should provide a login screen and after having logged in the user can view all the online users as well. The login could be an email and a password

– Google maps and GPS required
– maybe Firebase database for the login
– please include comments as much as possible to help understand the code

Android studio simple bluetooth game

-for example Tic-tac-toe or checkers, ships, pexeso
-The application can connect two devices without problems (by selecting the client and server and the corresponding operations)
-The application is functional – the activity on one device is reflected almost immediately on the other device)
-The application makes sense (it’s not stone-paper-scissors)
-The application has a pleasant appearance and working with it does not irritate users)

deployed application using react, node etc

this is my final project for a class i’m taking. we’ve gotten it as far as we can and need help to get it across the finish line.

i need this app described below:

using react.js, node and express, MongoDB, heroku create an app

overview of full intended application:

FitnessFighter seamlessly syncs with the users smartwatch’s stepcounter to earn the user “fitcoins” (1 step = 1 fitcoin)that can be used to purchase battle powerups. Users can battle other users to win coins. when signing up users choose a username and choose between land, sea and magic creature and get assigned a creature that is one of 3 colors randomly

an app that you log into, the user is authenticated, and then taken to a screen with their creature and current fitcoin coin count. If they’ve accummulated any coins since last log in, it will briefly appear as a red “+999” (or whatever the number of steps accumulated is) and then add to their total in realtime. In this screen there will be 3 options. Option One is to seek a battle, clicking on it will match you with someone looking for a battle, take you to a title screen for the battle (Evee vs Charmander99!) and show that X number of coins have been taken from each participant to initate the battle and then the battle happens (a set of fixed graphics, bang! zap! plod!) and the result of the battle is based off 40% player attributes and 60% randomization and then it shows who has earned the coins and then takes you back to the main screen. Option Two is to use your coins to powerup your creature, click on a screen, see a bar graph respresentation of your creatures current attributes and choose which you would like to boost, click on it, your bar graph ticks up and coins are subtracted, back to the main screen. Option Three is to log out.

screen by screen walkthrough of elements needed:

and this is as far as we’ve gotten so far:

we need a deployed app on heroku so I will need instructions on how to deploy the code the working app to heroku as well

heroku deployed application

this is my final project for a class i’m taking. we’ve gotten it as far as we can and need help to get it across the finish line.

i need this app described below:

using react.js, node and express, MongoDB, heroku create an app

overview of full intended application:

FitnessFighter seamlessly syncs with the users smartwatch’s stepcounter to earn the user “fitcoins” (1 step = 1 fitcoin)that can be used to purchase battle powerups. Users can battle other users to win coins. when signing up users choose a username and choose between land, sea and magic creature and get assigned a creature that is one of 3 colors randomly

an app that you log into, the user is authenticated, and then taken to a screen with their creature and current fitcoin coin count. If they’ve accummulated any coins since last log in, it will briefly appear as a red “+999” (or whatever the number of steps accumulated is) and then add to their total in realtime. In this screen there will be 3 options. Option One is to seek a battle, clicking on it will match you with someone looking for a battle, take you to a title screen for the battle (Evee vs Charmander99!) and show that X number of coins have been taken from each participant to initate the battle and then the battle happens (a set of fixed graphics, bang! zap! plod!) and the result of the battle is based off 40% player attributes and 60% randomization and then it shows who has earned the coins and then takes you back to the main screen. Option Two is to use your coins to powerup your creature, click on a screen, see a bar graph respresentation of your creatures current attributes and choose which you would like to boost, click on it, your bar graph ticks up and coins are subtracted, back to the main screen. Option Three is to log out.

screen by screen walkthrough of elements needed:

and this is as far as we’ve gotten so far:

we need a deployed app on heroku.


Name of project: Logika
    – The app shall be able to generate a random 4-pin color code that remains hidden from the user.
    – The app shall be implemented in such a way that the users task is to guess the secret color code.
    –  The app shall enable the user to specify his/her guess for the secret color code. The app shall visualize the guess appropriately.
    – The app shall support six color for both, the four digits of the secret color code as well as for the users guess: red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, and magenta. The app shall contain a button which, when being clicked, brings the user to a seconds screen where the goodness of his/her guess is assessed.
    – That button shall be inactive, if no secret color has been generated or if the user has not fully specified the guess.
    – The assessment on the second screen shall be shown in two ways: (1) as a four digit code showing the number of fully correctly guessed (i.e. correct regarding both, the position and color) pins in black and the number of partially correct guessed (correct color, wrong position) pins in white, and (2) as textual information naming the number of fully/partially correctly guessed pins.
    – The assessment screen shall contain a dismiss button which brings the user back to the main screen, allowing for the next guess. T
    – he main screen shall contain the textual information how many guesses were already by the user for the current secret color code.
    – If the user returns from the assessment screen back to the main screen, the user shall be notifies on whether his/her guess was correct or not.
    – The app shall allow the user to start over at any time by generating a new random secret color code.

Screen Layout.

– Nexuss 5x
– Minimum SDK: API 21, Adroid 5.0

Smart home application


This coursework focuses on the classes required to support the app. It is not concerned with building a front end (i.e. a graphical user interface is not required). All interaction and testing will be carried out in a Java console. The coursework is broken down into several steps, each with accompanying testing. The testing will be used by the assessors to evaluate functionality. The coursework must be developed as a single Netbeans project. The core class for the App is a SmartDevice class. It represents a generic smart device and should have three member variables: a name, a location and a switchedOn value. The switchedOn value refers to whether the device is switched on or off.  The location uses the following system:

Mobile & Wearable Application Development

Learning Outcomes to be Assessed:
1. Identify opportunities and challenges for mobile and wearable applications.
2. Architect a mobile/wearable application.
3. Select an appropriate set of technologies to use on an application development project.
4. Develop software for deployment on mobile and wearable devices.
Assessment Details:
Title: Mobile and Wearable App Design & Development
Type: Coursework
Style: Presentation and Demonstration of Design Concept and Implemented Prototype
Rationale: This module explores the direction mobile and wearable technologies are taking
and aims to equip students with the essential design and programming skills to develop their
own robust, usable and ubiquitous applications for at least one of the most popular mobile
and smart watch platforms.
Submission 1.1: A brief submitted (PowerPoint) presentation that will form the basis of a
brief discussion about a Project idea that provides coherence to your Prototype Apps. The
presentation should take five minutes followed up by questions/answers and feedback. This
should include a clear description of your Application idea showing its originality and
novelty [30%].
Submission 1.2: A brief demonstration and discussion of a submitted prototype Mobile and
Wearable Application, particularly illustrating an understanding and systematic approach to
designing and implementing the required features, of particular importance is the inclusion
of data persistence [70%].
Additional information:
Prototype development platform/ IDE: Android Studio
For advice on writing style, referencing and academic skills, please make use of the Centre
for Academic Success:
Workload: This coursework is notionally regarded as a written work of 4000 words for
support summary purposes, therein facilitating an additional 10 working days, postsubmission deadline for the extended submission.
The typical student would be expected to invest at least 60 hours on this coursework.
Transferable skills:
Concept / Idea generation skills.
Communication skills encompassing Presentation / Concept Pitch Delivery skills.
Problem solving skills.
Debugging and Testing skills.
Marking Criteria:
Table of Assessment Criteria and Associated Grading Criteria

1. Identify
for mobile
2. Architect a
3. Select an
appropriate set
of technologies
to use on an
4. Develop software
for deployment on
mobile and
wearable devices.
Weighting: 10% 10% 10% 70%

what technologies
/ libraries that
could be used, an
exploration of the
pros / cons of
same and
An excellent
presentation of a fully
showing a deep
understanding of the
core concepts
covered in the
module. Also able to
suggest detailed and
novel improvements
to the presented
design and prototype
90 100%
An excellent
and highly
unique novel
project idea,
backed by an
research of
the target
features and
an in-depth
knowledge of
An excellent and highly
unique project design
has been created
backed up with a very
in-depth awareness of
what is to be
developed. A very
significant and in-depth
level of design detail
and documentation
An excellent and
awareness for
what technologies
/ libraries that
could be used, an
excellent and indepth exploration
of the pros / cons
of same and
An excellent,
professional and
presentation of a fully
showing a deep
understanding of the
core concepts
covered in the
module. Also able to
suggest detailed and
novel improvements
to the presented
design and prototype.
The discussion
should show a full
understanding of
issues involved in the
deployment and
release of a

Fit to Submit:
Are you ready to submit your assignment review this assignment brief and consider
whether you have met the criteria. Use any checklists provided to ensure that you have
done everything needed.
Presentation Checklist:
Title slide, giving proposed applications and authors name, etc.
Overview of application project idea.
Application Requirements (e.g. Use Cases).
Application external Design (UI screenshots and storyboard).
Application internal Design (e.g. Class diagram).
Exploration of possible forms of persistence in the mobile domain pros / cons.
Proposed use of Data persistence (e.g. Data design / E-R diagrams).
Proposed use of additional Frameworks (beyond those required above).
Perceived Challenges.
Demonstration / Implementation Checklist:
Fully commented application source code (submitted as a .zip file).
Clear demonstration of implementation of prototype to include requirements, design and
feature set as proposed in Presentation.
Ability to discuss design decisions and changes (if any) to original proposed design
Ability to discuss internal design and architecture of application (including an
understanding of the design patterns employed).
Ability to propose alternative ideas for developing the application design further.
Walkthrough presentation (PowerPoint file) stepping through all the features of the
application, including plenty of screenshots to illustrate the workings of same

So im doing a game database that will use data persistence to store game information, user data, using tiles as the main design concept for the software, i need a log in screen sign up that will store it inside of a database prefereably firebase. i need a home page that has access to the users account a search bar, navigation and tiles that can take the user to any specific game doesn’t really matter then those tiles need a second screen to display some bs about the game and then they can add that game to their favourites
which stores in the database as well

Fully commented application source code (submitted as a .zip file).
Clear demonstration of implementation of prototype to include requirements, design and
feature set as proposed in Presentation.
Ability to discuss design decisions and changes (if any) to original proposed design
Ability to discuss internal design and architecture of application (including an
understanding of the design patterns employed).
Ability to propose alternative ideas for developing the application design further.
Walkthrough presentation (PowerPoint file) stepping through all the features of the
application, including plenty of screenshots to illustrate the workings of same

Developing a mobile application using Apache Cordova

I need help developing a mobile application using Apache Cordova please.

I’m having trouble connecting to a MySQL database that I’d like to eventually store data in and retrieve from. I also need to be able to draw in the app and store these drawings in the DB. Thirdly, I don’t understand how to get prompts to appear on screen upon tapping the app.

I would like some help understanding how to achieve these tasks please.

Thank you.