Category: no need

Corporate Leadership in Kuwait

We have covered in class the topic Corporate leadership and discussed various examples of how companies contribute to their socieites.
Please share one example of corporate leadership and community services from your surroundings, i.e. companies in Kuwait that practice community leadership, or your own participation as volunteers.
Watch the deadline and cut-off date.
Write a paragraph, no longer than 400 words, answering the following questions:

What company engages in what activity to contribute to the corporate citizenship?
How is this relevant to the Kuwaiti society?
What benefits or values does the company gain?
If you are talking about your own experience, then you answer from your perspective in the first-person-narrative.
Grading will cover the structure, coherence and language of your contribution.
The assignment will give you 5% of the overall course grade.

Format and Layout for your submission:
Only pdf-files are accepted (do not try to upload word files, then complain to me it does not upload)
The contribution should not exceed 400 words
It should engage with all three questions posed.
You can inlcude supporting material, like pictures or logo image of the company, without exceeding one page.

Business Strategy

1.In the book What I Didnt Learn in Business School, a team of consultants is studying what HGS, a maker of chemicals for the oil & gas and packaging industries, should do with a new technology code-named Plastiwear. Based on what you have read so far, do you have an opinion about whether Plastiwear can bethe basis for a new core competence that will contribute substantially to sustained profitability at HGS? If you believe Plastiwear can be the basis for an important new core competence, tell what you think the consultants and HGS need to do to determine the business model that will deliver success with Plastiwear.  If you are not yet convinced, tell what the consultants and HGS need to do to determine what to do with this technology.

2.Justin Campbell in the book What I Didnt Learn in Business School isa recent graduate of an MBA program. What do you think of his performance so far? Both Justin and his bosses believe he has made some mistakes. Do you think the way Justin has behaved is reasonable considering that he is new to the consulting business? What do you think he should work on from here?

3.What are corecompetences of IKEA? Why do you believe those distinctive competences emerged and gave IKEA competitive advantage? Do you think other firms will be able to imitate these competences?  Do you think IKEA will be able to sustain its performance in the future?  What events might make IKEA lose its competitive advantage?  Should IKEA be doing anything to address competitive dangers it is likely to face in the future?

I do not have access to the book What I didn’t Learn in Business School

coil gun

bascially write out a script for me according to material I have offered,  forcus and try to tie in exactly how the procedure would get us to the hypothesis. only for the part of hypothesis and Procedure. also thinking about a question for audience

basics of salary structures

Read the 4 articles about salary structures.  They are posted in the Class 10 lecture area.
Write a 2-page summary about the key themes and strategic points included in the articles.
Your summary should be written to appeal to an audience of Total Rewards professionals (like me) that understand the basics of salary structures.  There is no need to describe core concepts.  Instead, focus on strategic problems or applications on salary structures in organizations today.  What has changed in recent years?  What problems are being solved?  What problems are being created by salary structures?