Category: Personal Finance

Discussion questions

Please limit the answers to 200 words.
1. Wal-Mart is famous for requesting ever lower “price points” from its suppliers: If a supplier offers a product for $45.00, Wal-Mart will ask the supplier to consider introducing a similar product for $39.00. According to Heckscher-Ohlin Factor Theory, what consequences do such requests have?

2-he difference between domestic and international logistics
What are the elements that differentiate international logistics and domestic logistics?

3-What is the relationship between the growth in worldwide competition and the evolution of the supply chain concept?

Project Management 3

I need assistance answering 11 math questions in Project Management, the questions are located on the attached document.  The due date is 3pm EST, there is no room to adjust the time so  prepare in advance.  Also I cannot pay more the desired price.  Broke College student living off financial aid. 

PowerPoint Project Management

I need assistance with a simple Powerpoint project that include 4  slides.  Open the PPT Slide and you will see the area to be discussed.  The information to be discussed can be found from the attached document which is the Control Plan.

The only thing to do is to retrieve the correct data from the Control Plan and put it in the PPT Slide.  After you have moved the data on the PPT Slides, add a comment in the PPT note section and discuss what the information entail.  That is all.  Done.  Easy day.

Please write in detail what that particular slide is talking about.  This assignment is due Friday 4/17 at 3 PM EST.  I cannot afford any additional time.

PPT Presentation

I need assistance with a simple project that include 3 powerpoint slides.  Specifically,  I need assistance in interpreting the project’s status report data, and input that data onto 3 ppt slides.

This information will be presented to a fictitious group  key of stakeholders at a monthly project review.  Please Input the full  discussion of what will be said into the note section of the power point.

I should be able to read the full interpretation from the note section.  This assignment is due Friday 4/17 at 1230 PM.  I cannot afford any additional time.

Assignment A

Marks: 10 ten questions each worth one mark. You must have the correct answer and a correct explanation plus working, to gain the marks allocated to each question (you must provide two solutions, one as if you were answering the questions for the exam [but typed] and one in excel). Failure to provide both will result in a mark of zero for the question. Include cash flow maps and/or tables wherever possible. Avoid rounding error. Providing a formula and the final answer, without showing the working is not enough.
Weight: 10%.
Format: Calculation and brief working or short answer with explanation as well as the calculation solved in an Excel spreadsheet. For each calculation you must provide a manual solution and a solution using excel. Typing straight into excel without doing the calculations in excel does not qualify as solving in excel. Use the excel template provided. Do all the assignment with explanations in excel and upload one file. Type your explanation and manual answer in text boxes. See the example file provided on Blackboard.
Word Limit:  A few pages (500 words as a very rough guide; mostly calculations)
Due: see Blackboard
The assignment must be done in excel and must be your own work (scanned documents are not acceptable). Under no circumstances should you use submit a hard copy.
Make sure to highlight or underline your final answer/s in some way. (e.g. Answer = $5089)
Upload a soft copy of your Excel file to Blackboard under Assessment by the due date and time (must be Microsoft compatible). Failure to upload will result in a mark of zero. Keep a copy of your assignment. If you have problems uploading your file/s then send them by email (before due date and time) to [email protected]
Assignments submitted after the due date (late assignments) cannot be uploaded to Blackboard. Instead, they need to be emailed directly to John Polichronis j. [email protected]
Late submissions will receive a mark of zero. Please be aware that the suggested solution will be released within one day or so of the submission date, so any assignment submitted after the due date and time will attract a score of zero.
Extensions will only be granted in very, very exceptional circumstances, and will normally take the form of a different assignment.
A hard copy is not required.
Try to be as accurate as possible. Unless otherwise told you should use the following approach:
PV and FV accurate to the nearest dollar
Prices accurate to two decimal places (to the nearest cent)
Rates accurate to one basis point

Technical assessment

Please find the description of the assignment saved as PNG file in the additional materials below (‘Assignment brief’)  I will not require any help with requires to the literature review i solely need help developing a business case from the two excel sheets attached below.