Category: Undergraduate

Reflection on Writing

Instructions are given. This is for my english writing class. I’ve added a document that has my personal info and ideas about the topic. It should give you a good idea about my views, but also feel free to add as you see fit. Let me know if you have any questions.

Cathedral By Raymond Carver (1981)

Please write a short, well-organized essay with the theme as your central idea/thesis statement and support for your idea culled only from the short story itself. (i.e., no outside sources).
The essay is about: Cathedral By Raymond Carver (1981).

Research and discuss the development of the iPhone. How was it created? How was it a disruptive innovation? How did it move through the Adoption curve and why?

Research and discuss the development of the iPhone. How was it created? How was it a disruptive innovation? How did it move through the Adoption curve and why?
Upload your analysis as a 35-page paper, exclusive of title page and appendices, in MS Word format, 12-point Times New Roman Font, double-space following APA Style Format.

article review

Chapter 3 discusses several major EEO laws and regulations. However, every year, human resource professionals struggle to keep up with the latest employment regulations and trending workplace issues. Local, state and federal laws change frequently and impact todays workforce.

For this article review assignment, you are asked to review an online article about the changing legal environment of human resource management. Do not simply use a website or blog as your source of information.  The article must be a feature article published within the last year by a reputable source such as Harvard Business Review or industry publications such as HR Exchange Network, HR Magazine, HR Morning, etc. A list of resources has been provided under Course Resources. 

The article should be a minimum of 1,000 words in order for you to be able to fulfill the requirements listed below.  If the article is too short, it will be difficult to summarize and provide comments that meet the paper length requirements set forth below.

This is not an opinion paper, nor is it an opportunity to regurgitate the article. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you to understand the connection between the chapter material (textbook and website materials) and the “real world.” Simply quoting from the article, with no application of concept, will not allow for the optimal outcome. Be careful not to
plagiarize; this will result in a grade of zero.

After selecting your article, please follow these instructions to complete the article review assignment. The review should be divided into the following sections using these headings:

Section I:  Article Summary – In this section write a clear, organized summary of the article. This should be a concise, thoughtful discussion of the key points of the article.  This summary should be written in your own words; do not simply provide quotes from the article.

Section II:  Application of Textbook Concepts – Explain concepts from the article in relation to terms or concepts from the textbook. Do not just write a textbook term and define it in relation to the article. Develop the information as the article relates to the material presented in the textbook or website.

Section III: Article Analysis Explain how the specific legislation has changed or evolved since publication of the textbook, or if it is anticipated to change in the near future. How will the change (or anticipated change) impact the workforce? What new insights were you able to glean about the legislation as a result of reading the article? 

Section IV:  Required Reference Make sure to cite the article in APA format at the end of the paper and attach a URL link so that you instructor can review the article.

Your article review should be a minimum of 3 full pages (double-spaced, using a 12-point font and 1-inch margins, approximately 750 words, excluding title page, abstract and references). Your assignment must conform to APA style. Correct language mechanics (i.e., sentence structure, grammar, spelling, capitalization, punctuation, word usage and citation) are worth up to 10% of your grade on this assignment.

Please note that your report will be submitted through Turnitin, a plagiarism prevention service.

Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

In addition to the topic study materials, use the chart you completed and questions you answered in the Topic 3 about “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy” as the basis for your responses in this assignment.

Answer the following questions about a patient’s spiritual needs in light of the Christian worldview.

1. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: Should the physician allow Mike to continue making decisions that seem to him to be irrational and harmful to James, or would that mean a disrespect of a patient’s autonomy? Explain your rationale.

2. In 400-500 words, respond to the following: How ought the Christian think about sickness and health? How should a Christian think about medical intervention? What should Mike as a Christian do? How should he reason about trusting God and treating James in relation to what is truly honoring the principles of beneficence and nonmaleficence in James’s care?

3. In 200-250 words, respond to the following: How would a spiritual needs assessment help the physician assist Mike determine appropriate interventions for James and for his family or others involved in his care?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines

***PLEASE SEE ATTACHED CASE STUDY FROM WEEK 3 “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy”


***PLEASE SEE ATTACHED CASE STUDY “Case Study: Healing and Autonomy”

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Proponents of small government such as the Heritage Foundation (e.g. see their recent proclamation that “U.S. Financial markets do not need a New Regulator (Links to an external site.)” and the American Enterprise Institute argue their points based on the basic principle that big government will more than likely get it wrong and do more damage than good. They argue that it is best to leave matters to individuals and firms who know their own demands and skill sets much better than government possibly can, and let the market system self-organize to achieve the best outcomes.

Critique this statement using complex systems science ideas. In your critique consider the following points:

1) Complex systems science and evidence from the Bali, New Guinea, and Systemic Risk in Financial Systems cases may support this claim. Complex systems solve problems well, but can be vulnerable to top-down interventions. Thus, the “big government” solution of the green revolution was bound to damage the water temple system and not perform as well.

2) However, much of what we do as humans is constrained by legal institutions (systems of rules which are very expensive to maintain and enforce and of which, the water temple rituals and Kaiko are examples). Notice that social insects do not require such complex institutions. Why is this? And why would this difference generate problems for human societies if we removed almost all regulation and just let societies self-organize? Consider the interaction between the individuals in the golden balls example and contrast this with the interactions between ants. Remember, all ants in a colony are all sisters (except on rare occasions when the colony “makes” some males, all ants are females). How would two ants play the golden ball game? Now think of banks in the “financial systems game”.  They engage in similar kinds of strategic behavior.  What implications does this have for the banking system as a whole? View 1 is that complex systems (and our free market economy is an example of one) are great, decentralized problem solvers. Thus, we should just let the market solve problems, and government should be as small as possible (but how small and what government functions should be retained???) and stay out of the way. View 2: Because of certain tendencies of humans (which are very different from ants), considerable government intervention is necessary (but how much intervention and where???) to make the market system work well for everyone.

Your critique should be one page (not including references), single spaced, 1 inch margins, 11 point font. In your critique, analyze both views in a balanced way by presenting evidence for or against each using complex systems science. Don’t waste space at the top with your name, date, or a title.

Your critique should focus on what complex system science has to contribute to these views. It should not be an opinion piece! It should draw on examples from all modules, and especially ideas about collective behavior in social insects in Module 4, human societies from Module 5, and particular aspects of human behavior that are evident in the golden ball example. Your discussion should also draw on the fact that individuals in insect societies are all related, and how this might make a society very different than one composed of all sorts of very different people. Each substantive statement you make should be qualified with an idea or example from complex systems science.

Finally, do not describe or recount examples from the course.  Use them only as evidence. For example  “The Golden Balls example illustrates that humans can be both selfish and cooperative” is good, while  “Golden Balls is a game in which two players have to choose split or steal… Ibrahim….. and NIck…….(description of what happened)…..” is not appropriate.

This assignment, as with Assignment 3, is intended to be thought provoking. However, now that you have been working with complexity science ideas for 4 weeks, I expect this paper to be more analytical. Thus, we will be basing our assessment on the following points

You carefully address both sides of the question. You may eventually make a stronger case for one or the other view based on evidence, but you must provide some evidence for both views.
Your discussion should be that of a dispassionate analyst weighing evidence. The goal is to use ideas from complex systems science and material from the course (and other materials you wish to use outside of class that is citable) to make an an argument about the relative merits of both views.
It is essential that you use clear evidence for your argument – clear examples from the course materials or other references and concise ideas, e.g. emergence, decentralized decision making, stability, sensitivity to initial conditions, problems with aggregation (group think, voting systems, breaking ties, etc.), multiple stable attractors (remember the crazy swirling ant hurricane?), diversity (inequality) etc.  Use the definition of complex systems clearly and concisely: define the agents, how information is exchanged, and relevant higher-level selection mechanisms. Hint: individual humans are not the only ‘agents’ in economic systems. Recall the the article ‘Ecology for Bankers’ in which the ‘agents’ are banks.  In complex systems, ‘agents’ are entities that process information even though they may be made of up multiple agents at a lower level.
In your concluding paragraph you synthesize the evidence you have presented for both views and then argue for one or the other view, or suggest that the evidence isn’t strong enough one way or the other.  Again, DO NOT treat this synthesis as you would an opinion piece!  Rather, concisely summarize and weigh the evidence for each view. Finally, conclude with a recommendation about how ideas from  complex systems science may be applied to improve the effectiveness of government (you may also conclude that they cannot help, but be clear about why this is the case).
As with all writing at this level, write clearly and concisely with no typos, errors, etc.  You must cite sources for your arguments, i.e. it is not enough to say “in module 3, so and so said…”.  In fact, it is probably best to not refer to modules in your writing.

Scalability of Safety Management Systems

Not an an essay, just answer the following questions:

1) How might a Part 141 pilot school be different than a large Part 121 air carrier in regard to scalability?
2) Describe the primary factors that exist between a large, medium, and small organizations SMS.
3) Compare similar organizations to your own and identify how their scale would vary.
4) What strategy will you use to get buy-in from management to provide resources for developing and maintaining of SMS?
5) What are the key ways your organization obtains data and how is it used to make fact-based decisions?
6) What about your organization make it complex? How will knowing this help you establish a safety management system?

Fried Green Tomatoes

Post one discussion on the first half of Fried Green Tomatoes (350 word minimum). Your discussion post must include three things:
–one quote from the text, with the page number
–your analysis and interpretation of the quote you choose;
–one question you have about the text and your thoughts on what you think the answer to the question might be.

priority setting

If you were the nurse in this situation, which client from the 4 listed below should you see first? Identify the priority framework you are using and the rationale for your selection.

Patient 1: Nancy Jones in room 6310 has an infiltrated IV line. We were unable to start a new line and her ampicillin is due at 8 am.
Patient 2: Justin Foster in room 6314 called for pain medication at 7am so that still needs to be given.
Patient 3: Anna Chen in room 6315 is diagnosed with gastritis and called for assistance to the restroom. I’ve contacted assistive personnel and let them know about this.
Patient 4: Lenny Williams in room 6307 contacted Laura, the assistive personnel, stating that he’s experienced pain in his right calf; and laura stated that his calf is red.

Priority setting frameworks to choose from: ABC, acute vs. chronic, emergent vs. routine, assessment first, safety, and risk reduction etc.

Your paper should be 2 pages
You are required to use and cite one academic source.
Use current APA Style.
Include a title page and a reference page listing the source(s) you used.

Analytical Essay

-You should complete an analysis, not to exceed 1,200 words, of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour

-Your document must conform to MLA 8 style (It is already formatted for MLA 8 so please do not destroy the template and just follow the format)

-Add and annotate three possible sources to the essay

-Please disregard timeline boxes

-template provided