Category: Undergraduate

Government Regulations and Public Health Paper

The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to summarize and critically evaluate a scientific paper on risk assessment. Read the article from this unit’s studies, “New Risk or Old Risk, High Risk or No Risk? How Scientists’ Standpoints Shape their Nanotechnology Risk Frames.”

Once you have read the article, write and submit a 12 page summary of the article. Address the following:

Highlight the main points presented in the article. What message is the author trying to convey?
How do these differing views affect environmental health?
What do other sources of information say about these concepts?
Are there discrepancies between the information in the article and information in the unit presentation or the text?
Include a reference to the information presented in the unit presentation and in the text.

Convict Trump or not.

You are a member of the United States Senate and you will vote on whether to convict former President Donald Trump on the charges contained in the Articles of Impeachment that have been sent from the House of Representatives to the Senate.You may assume any facts for which you can cite a source as you explain your decision.Prepare an essay that states and explains your position. As in all Comp 102 assignments, you MUST first present and explain as many sides of the topic in question as you are able to identify and then you may explain why you have chosen the position that you support.This essay assignment requires that you educate yourself on the issues involved.

TARGET LENGTH: 250 to 400 words DUE DATE: February 15, 2021

Fundamentals of Management and Organizational Behavior

(1)Explain why you think attitude and emotion might be particularly important for each job(see attachment)must explain why to each position!!!!. (2) Next, write two questions that, when answered by a job applicant, will help you assess how that applicant scores on that particular trait. (3) What abilities (cognitive or other abilities) must the jobholder possess for each job?

Controversial Court case: Steven Avery

I NEED A PROPOSAL AND an outline to match this final paper. Read attached instructions and let me know if you can also include a brief proposal paper and an outline and I will place an order for each additional paper (proposal and outline)

Must follow attached instructions
2-3 pages research proposal
1-2 pages outline
7-8 pages final paper
(11 pages total)

Your task is to write a paper thoroughly analyzing and critiquing a recent controversial court case. The goal of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the concepts and theories discussed throughout this course through the analysis of a real-life case. Furthermore, this assignment gives you the opportunity to reflect upon the current state of the criminal justice system and relate current issues to the themes presented throughout the course.

green marketing

Research and give one example of green marketing that you believe to effective and trustworthy.  How so? What is the product being marketed?  What makes the marketing effective?  What makes you believe them? (3-5 paragraphs)

Research and give one example of greenwashing.  What is the product being marketed (cannot be Fiji water)?  Why do you believe that this is an example of greenwashing?  Explain how you feel deceived. (3-5 paragraphs)

Any topic (writer’s choice)

I. Analyze Roles and Responsibilities for Compliance
A. Examine the types of decisions financial managers make. How are these decisions related to the primary objective of financial managers?
B. Analyze the various ethical issues a financial manager could potentially face and how these could be handled.
C. Compare and contrast the different federal safeguards that are in place to reduce financial reporting abuse. Why are these considered
appropriate safeguards?
II. Investment Options
A. If a private company is going public, what does this mean, and how would the company do this? What are the advantages of doing this? Do
you see any disadvantages? If so, what are they?
B. How do the largest U.S. stock markets differ? Out of those choices, which would be the smartest private investment option, in your opinion?
C. Compare and contrast the various investment products that are available and the types of institutions that sell them.

high-risk or vulnerable population

Create a concept map showing the relationship of health disparities, ethical considerations, and human rights for a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population. You will also identify at least one human rights group/organization that would assist with this population or condition. Your concept map should:
    Identify the main concept (a condition affecting a high-risk or vulnerable population)
    Describe the supporting subtopics of:
o    Health disparities impacting the population globally
o    Ethical considerations (three or more)
o    Human rights from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (three or more)
o    Human rights group or organization that would assist with this population or condition (one or more)

Can hypnosis help you stop smoking?

please read the pdf attached. There are 6 principles of scientific thinking in research. first, in the pdf, it explained all 6 of them. then 1.5-page article is describing  Can hypnosis help you stop smoking? Then based on these you should write the essay and answer the questions needed in the essay. EVERYTHING IS IN THE PDF.

Gender and Sex Issues

this paper is to apply two ethical theories to a social justice question and determine which one best defends its conclusion.  Be sure that you argue equally strongly on each side of the issue before you decide which approach is best.  This a sort of practice run for your final project.

You can choose a topic question of your own, or select one from the final project topic suggestions.

Gender and Sex Issues
    What is an appropriate ethical response to the global problem of violence against women?
    Was it just for the US to legalize same-sex marriage?
    Is pornography unethical?
    Does the #MeToo movement handle the issue of sexual harassment and predation ethically?

Your paper should take the form of a standard essay, including an intro paragraph with a clear thesis and brief roadmap, a series of body paragraphs that begin with clear topic sentences, and a concluding paragraph that simply reviews the main points of your paper.  Aim for 3-4 pages in length, not including title and reference pages, in APA or MLA format. 

Articles to use:

Morale Decision Making

Moral Decision Making Paper This paper is one you create from your own life or hypothetically. You are to create three scenarios involving moral decisions that need to be made. Step 1 is to write the scenario.  Step 2 is to list all of the legal, ethical, moral and spiritual issues involved in each scenario. Step three is to state how you would resolve the situation and what criteria you used to make your decision