Category: Undergraduate

International Relations

This assignment is a take-home essay consisting of 3 questions (1, 2a, and 2b). The answers should fill about 2 pages. The objective is to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. Please exclusively use the course materials to support each answer; you will not find the answers on Google or websites. To answer these questions use your own words; do not use quotations.

In Chapter 3 of our reading International Relations: A Very Short Introduction, Wilkinson discusses intergovernmental organizations (IGOs) and the United Nations in particular. He writes:

Thus, while it is true that the UN Charter gives the world organization stronger powers   it has failed time and again when confronting major threats to peace and security. However, when I say the UN has failed I am really criticizing the member states, for it is they who decide (or fail to decide) what, if anything, the UN should do.

It is therefore a mistake to judge the UN as an autonomous actor in the international system: it is in essence an intergovernmental forum constantly constrained by basic inter-state disagreements and disputes both in the Security Council and the General Assembly
(2007, 70).

What does Wilkinson mean by this statement? Be sure to read the full chapter so youre not missing context. After you explain this statement in your own words, weigh in on the matter. Does the UN have more power than its member states, or is the UN just a shell in which the member states have all the power? Who should be blamed for failures? Can you think of an example or event that illustrates Wilkinsons point or your position?

In your own words, what is a multinational corporation (MNC)? What are some examples of MNCs that you interacted with today?

The short article by Cragg, Arnold, and Muchlinski (2012) discusses human rights and businesses (meaning MNCs). What steps have been taken, according to the article, to determine whether MNCs have human rights responsibilities?

topics in american literature for writters

One opportunity the compact form of the novella offers is to structure the narrative around an extended metaphor.  Please identify the metaphor Edith Wharton employs in Madame de Treymes (hint: it’s a sport) and discuss how it illuminates the characters’ behavior.

Minimum 300 words, maximum 600, not including 10 word vocabulary list.

Personality Tests


Many people study psychology because they want to understand themselves and others better. Tools have been developed to assess many aspects of personality. For this assessment, you will take an example of a personality test and write a reflection paper.


Personality tests can be used for a variety of reasons including work placement, hiring, diagnosing and assessing, and simply identifying traits and characteristics. There are a variety of ways that we may administer, score, and interpret personality assessments, ranging from pencil and paper and one-on-one interviews to full computer testing. In order for a test to be useful, it needs to be both valid and reliable so that it consistently measures just what it suggests it measures. In this assessment, you may choose to complete a computer personality assessment. As you are completing the test, think about what you feel like and how that could impact the results. This is a fun and engaging way to help you identify your own strengths and obtain a better understanding of how personality theories can be applied to testing.


For purposes of this assessment, you may choose to take an online personality test or think about the results of a similar test you have taken in the past, perhaps related to your educational planning or a job. If you choose to try an online test, go to The SAPA Project website (linked in Resources) and complete the personality test. Retrieve your test results.
Reflect on the relationship between the dimensions and traits that we use to describe human personality.
Write a 23-page reflection paper including the following elements:
Explain the difference between validity and reliability in testing. In other words, do you think this test is valid or reliable?
Analyze the self-assessment experience and results.
What was your experience completing the test?
Did you find the test to be engaging? Were you bored? Did you find it challenging?
Did you tell the truth on every question?
Critically analyze the accuracy of the test results.
Do the results accurately portray your personality traits as you expected?
Do you think a person can consciously change a trait? Explain.
What is the relationship between traits and stages of development? In other words, would you expect to have had the same result ten years ago? How about ten years in the future?
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message. Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations of members of professional communities.
APA formatting: Format resources and citations are according to APA style guidelines.
References: Use a minimum of two APA citations from current (within five years) peer-reviewed sources and scholarly sources.
Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Length of paper: Submit 23 pages. Include a separate title page and reference page.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

The topic is
“illegal Immigration with border enforcement and illegal activity at the border”

Cover Page
Abstract (no more than 150-250 words)
Introduction (include the specific research question and hypothesis which are presented at the end)
Literature Review Critical analysis is the key here
Methodology (This needs to more than a single sentence that states “I used qualitative methods”. Take the time to explore what type of qualitative method you used. Content Analysis and Case Study are the two approaches that seem most likely for this course.
Analysis What does your research tell you? What are your conclusions??
Conclusion ensure you include what future research should cover that has not been explored.
Reference List
Technical Requirements

Your paper must be at a minimum of 10-12 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit).
Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content.
Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc.

What is the difference between performance and organizational employee behaviors? How would you increase someones performance? How would you increase/improve employee behaviors

Part 2 Question – What is the difference between performance and organizational employee behaviors? How would you increase someones performance? How would you increase/improve employee behaviors?


Your answer is a 1-2-page reaction/research paper which must be double spaced, APA 6th edition, research from 2-3 journal articles.

Financial Literacy

Purpose: The purpose of this discussion is to learn more about financial literacy, in particular with regard to the student loan process. The goal is to provide an understanding of your financing options, and the implications of student loan debt.

Instructions: After viewing the financial literacy resources in the Module/Week 4 Reading & Study folder, answer the following questions in an initial thread.  Your initial thread should be at least 200-250 words, but the goal is for you to thoughtfully engage with each question.

Financial Literacy Resources:


1. What are some ways a student can pay for college?
2. What are some ways you can reduce or avoid student loans?
3. Imagine you just graduated with $30,000 in student loan debt. Using this calculator, calculate how long it would take you to pay it off with a minimum monthly payment of $250 and an interest rate of 5%. Record how many months/years it will take and how much interest you will pay. Next, add to the minimum monthly payment of $250 a dollar amount you think you could spare each month and record how many months/years it will take to pay it off, and how much interest you will pay. Reflect on the results. Did they surprise you? What are some things you can do to pay the debt off faster? What could you do with that money each month if you didnt have the debt?

Financial Literacy

Purpose: The purpose of this discussion is to learn more about financial literacy, in particular with regard to the student loan process. The goal is to provide an understanding of your financing options, and the implications of student loan debt.
Instructions: After viewing the financial literacy resources in the Module/Week 4 Reading & Study folder, answer the following questions in an initial thread.  Your initial thread should be at least 200-250 words, but the goal is for you to thoughtfully engage with each question.

Financial Literacy Resources:

1. What are some ways a student can pay for college?
2. What are some ways you can reduce or avoid student loans?
3. Imagine you just graduated with $30,000 in student loan debt. Using this calculator, calculate how long it would take you to pay it off with a minimum monthly payment of $250 and an interest rate of 5%. Record how many months/years it will take and how much interest you will pay. Next, add to the minimum monthly payment of $250 a dollar amount you think you could spare each month and record how many months/years it will take to pay it off, and how much interest you will pay. Reflect on the results. Did they surprise you? What are some things you can do to pay the debt off faster? What could you do with that money each month if you didnt have the debt?

Memoir Assignment

The object of this assignment is to further your public writing abilities by composing a 750-1500 word memoir. A memoir can be defined as a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Your job is to use the tools and techniques described in class to transform your personal experiences into literature to be read and shared by others.

A memoir draws on selected anecdotes from your life to reveal a truth or insight that resonates with others. After reading your memoir, I should be able to answer one or both of the following questions:

    How did this experience cause you to see yourself differently?
    How did this experience cause you to see the world differently?

Remember that this memoir is not your life story (too long!) or a factual report of events (too dull!). Rather, this should read like compelling fiction. Please review information from Module 3 and Module 4 for genre information and conventions. A few of the more important genre conventions are:

    A first-person narrator who is undoubtedly the author
    A clear sense of voice that conveys the author’s personality and stays consistent throughout the piece
    Storytelling techniques such as a developed conflict, dialogue, and characterization are emphasized and used to craft the narrative
    Author makes careful choices about when to set the scene and when to summarize (showing vs. telling)
    Descriptive language is used to immerse the reader and describe the author’s personal experiences in a vivid, colorful, memorable way

Also remember that your writing needs to be polished and error-free, and that it should be formatted in MLA. The UWF Writing LabLinks to an external site. can help you achieve both of these goals (and, remember, you get 10 points of extra credit just for participating in an online paper reading! Win/win!).

Frequently Asked Questions

How will you grade this assignment?

There is a detailed grading rubric at the bottom of this assignment sheet.

Does it matter what I write about?

You’re welcome to write about any part of your life. In fact, what you write about is not nearly as important as the craft involved.

Can I write about something that’s illegal? Can I curse?

Yes and yes. We’re all adults here. I do recommend that you avoid stuffing your memoir with scandalous material simply for shock value, however. Good writers know better than to use sex and violence gratuitously.

What’s the tone here? Should this be sad, funny, or uplifting?

Any or all of the above! Memoirs are as diverse as the people who write them. Please see the examples below to get a feel for the variety of this genre.

Do I have to cite sources?

Probably not. This is a story about your own knowledge and experiences. You generally wouldn’t quote outside sources for your retelling of events. However, if you do choose to pull in an inspirational quote or a statistic or something like that, then you will need to cite it.

Terrorism and Security

This is a research proposal for a class on “Terrorism and Security.” If the research proposal is approved, then I will also assign you the entire research paper.

The research question must fall under “Terrorism and Security,” but the professor did not assign us any readings or material on the topic. Once you have a topic or set of topics in mind, please share them with me before getting started working on the proposal.

The proposal template already has 350 words; please add around 800 words to those.

Dance – Based off a movie “The Fits”

Write a short-form commentary (750 words) of The Fits. Critically examine an issue or a series of issues raised within the film. You are encouraged to engage all of your senses while viewing the movie (i.e., what is the mood of the piece, how was sound incorporated into the viewing experience, etc.), and pay particular attention to how the dance has been captured on the screen. For this assignment you need to use part of your commentary to explore the cultural content and context, message and/or impact of this movie. Remember to take notes during the film screening, or immediately after. It will help you track your insights. Do not merely rehash what a previously published review already states. You need to cite at least two sources, preferably one that is academic, rather than other film reviews or the website for film itself.
Typed, doubled-spaced, reasonable font size. References and footnotes required. Use in- text citations/footnotes, employing the Chicago reference style and a bibliography.