Category: Undergraduate

Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Tocqueville

Review each of the following quotations. For each quote, choose one foundational thinker we have read, whose theory you think speaks best to the themes raised by the quotation, and discuss why in 2-3 paragraphs. Students should consider a different foundational thinker for each quotation.:

Thinkers: Socrates, Aristotle, Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Tocqueville

Be sure to:
(a) identify the thinker
(b) identify their texts
(c) clearly explain how their theories relate to the particular quotation
(d) discuss the insights you think they provide on the themes raised in the quotation.


1.    Great men, great nations, have not been boasters and buffoons, but perceivers of the terror of life, and have manned themselves to face it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

2.    Only when we are no longer afraid do we begin to live. Dorothy Thompson

3.    “A mature society understands that at the heart of democracy is argument. Salman Rushdie

4.    Among individuals, as among nations, respect for the rights of others is peace. Benito Juarez

5.    They ordered my arrest. And let me tell you something: I am going to obey this order of theirs..if I didnt believe in justice I wouldnt have founded a political party. I would have proposed a revolution. But I believe in justice. A fair justice system where verdicts are based on the evidence presented. Lula Da Silva

Application Security

Week 5: Application Security

Testing for an unknown is a virtually impossible task. What makes it possible at all is the concept of testing for categories of previously determined errors. The different categories of errors are:

    buffer overflows (most common);
    code injections;
    privilege errors; and
    cryptographic failures.

Please evaluate the software engineering, secure-code techniques, and the most important rule that relates to defending against a denial-of-service attack. Here are two types of error categories: the failure to include desired functionality and the inclusion of undesired behavior in the code. Testing for the first type of error is relatively easy.

Other items we should understand for error opportunities in applications are related to design, coding, and testing. How do we assure that these items are addressed in our software-application development or acquisition?

Should social media be allowed to collect data from it’s users

For this assignment, your goal is to share your position and “join the conversation” on the topic you have been researching all quarter by preparing your writing for print or online publication.  Readers of commentaries want to grasp the issue you are presenting and understand your angle right away.  You must make your point quickly and memorably, with an ultimate goal of convincing readers to agree with you, act in some way, and/or change their minds
Choose a publication to which you will write your commentary from the specified list of options: Teen Vogue
Determine the style, tone, level of formality, etc. that is typical for that publication.
Analyze the target audience for the publication, and consider how their needs dictate the writing choices you will make.
Write a Commentary Article between 700 – 1000 words using the same topic you’ve been researching all quarter

Summary Book ” Hello! – seventh edition marketing research Ch. 1-9″

I need a very clear and easy summary of the book ” Hello! – seventh edition marketing research” from chapter 1 to chapter 9. (I uploaded the image of the book)
the chapters summaries need to be very simple and clear explained (not English mother language)
pls. when you need to cite something or is very important indicate also the page of the book where you find the info.

What is Anthropology?

Assignment Directions

Complete the Chapter 1 reading and answer the following questions. You must answer the questions using information from the assigned reading. Try your best to summarize the information and write what you have learned in your own words. Any text that you directly copy needs to be in quotation marks. Copying from the textbook will not be enough to get a high grade (see the grading rubric below). For full credit, you should either explain the information in your own words or if you copy text from the book, you should also provide your own interpretation.

Please re-copy each question above your answer, making sure to include the question number. Answer in full sentences and DESCRIBE when asked to do so. Submit your answers directly into the submission box. To avoid losing any of your work due to technical problems, I strongly suggest that you record your answers in a word or text file and then paste them into the submission box when you are finished.

You will be graded using the following rubric:

    Outstanding work with thorough, detailed, and clearly written answers

Here is the book


no work cited page necessary

After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do so why make connections???

Reading Analysis

Before submitting papers, please do the following:

1. Fully proof-read your paper, looking for any typos, grammatical errors, and incorrect citations.  (Full citations for course readings are available on the syllabus).

2.  Be sure to back all claims with fact, and provide in-text and end citations for all sources.  Opinions need not be cited, but the non-personal reasons that lead to your opinions might need to be.  Whenever possible, back personal views with factual evidence to strengthen your personal narrative.  (E.g., “In my experience, America is/not a democracy because….  In fact, statistics from __________ support my view (Stats, 2019).”  You may use outside sources. 

3.  Attach the “essay rubric” (found in modules under “other materials”  to the beginning or end of your paper.  If necessary, simply copy and paste the rubric. 

4.  Save your paper as a PDF document.  This will allow me to use a stylus pen and write on your paper electronically.

Plus: my opinion is Hook, he was the reality politician


no work cited page necessary

After reading these 3 selections attached below, list and discuss as many similarities as you observe between Kings speech and Lincolns Gettysburg Address. Also discuss how King is perhaps talking back to the Declaration of Independence. As you note the connections between texts, consider why it is important to do so why make connections???


For this paper you must fill in the outline attached with the topic selected that I have also attached ( of course doing more research to prepare a thesis statement, main points, examples, details, etc based on that topic) that outline should take around 2 pages. Also, write 2 more pages draft of a research paper based on the same topic and outline.

-Some tips to write the outline are also attached with the outline template document.

Policy Analysis Excercise

**********Please Provide a Paper and a Powerpoint Overview

*********Group Topic :    American Health Care Association

The purpose of the policy analysis exercise is to give you the opportunity to work with a specific health policy advocacy topic. This project will integrate the knowledge you have been learning in the course and apply it to a particular issue.

Each section of the paper should :

1. describe their interest group and the groups objectives/mission;

2. describe who the group represents (i.e., governance structure, target audience served, membership);

3. Identify one health care policy reform supported by the group; and the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed reform.