Category: Vancouver style

Leadership behaviour

strictly UK English spellings
this is Academic critical reflection
refrancing provided to be used

the question is :Watch the video below on Everyday Leadership DREW Dudley (

Critically Reflect on the similarities & differences between what Kouzes & Posner book describe in Chapter 1 & what Drew Dudley suggests are excellent leadership behaviors
Share your analysis with fellow students by creating a post on the uni Forum titled: Leadership Behaviours

leaders Great quotes that inspired me

strictly UK English spellings
use only vancouver styles refrancing please

Leadership quotations can be a powerful part of your personal leadership development plan. Taking a few quotes from people you admire and spending some time, thinking deeply about the quotes, can help you better understand the mindset behind a leader

-this work has three parts each around 200 words ,
  use the 3 quotes bellow to critical reflect on each separately , they are  leadership qoutes

the provided book is must be used among  the refrances I was only able to download one chapter the others online available
minimum 3 refrances for each reflection .

1.    When nothing is sure, everything is possible. Margaret Drabble

2.    And when we think we lead, we are most led. Lord Byron
3.    The leader has to be practical and a realist, yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist. Eric Hoffer

don’t forget each will have its refrance list of its own please

persistence of the order flow and market impact

Topic: persistence of the order flow and market impact

Q1:What are the statistical properties of the order flow? What can be empirical features can be observed by studying the time series of trade signs?
You may describe the type of data and analysis performed as well as the conclusions that can be drawn from it. See Ref. [1]

Q2:What are the two possible explanations for the empirically observed properties of the order flow? What type of data can be used to disentangle the two effects? What conclusions can be drawn? See Ref. [1,2]

Q3: What is shown to be the dominant cause for the emergence of the statistical properties of the order flow and how is it related to market impact?

Q4:How can the statistical properties of the order flow be reconciled with the concept of marketefficiency? Which hypotheses can be formulated? See Ref. [1]

For a general review you may refer to Ref. [3], in particular the section on Large fluctuations and long-memory of order flow.

Reports need to include: title, abstract, introduction, main section, conclusion, references (at least 10 appropriate references, only from peer-reviewed journals, books and other reputable published venues).

compassion learn

uk English spelings only
this is course work question but must be in academic writing ,it can be like report with headlines

need to critique the following resources (4) ,find lessons learned then write your
individual analysis .write them with correct citation and references to support your argument

3-reading 3
4 reading 4 uploaded

Overuse of short acting B2 agonists in asthma is associated with increased risk of exacerbation and mortality: a nationalwide cohort study of the global SABINA programme

the maximum word count is 2000 without the references. I attached the professor’s previous feedback, please take it into consideration. I want you to follow CASP checklist for cohort study when you write the appraisal and focus more on the methodology and the results sections when you critique. I have assigned another writer in this website and gave 11 days and his work was not professional at all and now I don’t have time until the deadline please help me 

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Answering questions about mobile health app.

The purpose of the task is to report on a User Centered Design (UCD) process that can be employed as a guide for the design of mobile Health apps.
    Understand the context of use
    Specify user requirements
    Design solutions
    Evaluate against requirements

As part of task, please describe systematic approach iteratively design mHealth app covering the following key points applying UCD approach.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

In this assignment, select a country and analyze its health system from the perspective of both the demand and supply for health services.  To complete this exercise, select one country that you plan to analyze as well as a set of 4 peer countries that you believe represent good comparators for this country (i.e. they share some similar characteristics). 

Then, using data from the OECD Health Data Portal and/or the World Health Organization Data Observatory and/or the World Bank Open Data, and answer the questions.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

you are expected to choose your own topic (US children obesity )and write a policy proposal that compares and contrasts economic models to explain behaviour (behavioral economics and rational choice), explain the resulting outcomes, make policy recommendations that are guided by economic principles and propose an appropriate method for conducting economic analysis.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Economic scenario analysis with behavioral economic model and rational choice theory, then based on the analysis think about the best policy to solve the issue that you are describing. You will need to make a policy recommendation based on the economic model/ theory.