Category: Websites, web programming

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable.

1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the spring or summer season. All images are to be sized identically and each image will fit into its own cell. Use may use a table or a flex-box.

The images must be array-based. All even index number images will also link to a garden nursery in the Boston area. The odd images will connect to a flower shop in the Boston area. They must be different sites in all cases. The page is to have a header that reads “Welcome to the End of Winter”. The page is also to have a themed complimentary background.

2. You are to provide a conversion page that will convert:

a. Dollars to Euros based on and exchange rate of `.93 Euros per dollar.
b. Dollars to Francs on an exchange rate of 1.035 Francs per dollar
c. Dollars to pesos on an exchange rate of 15.63 pesos per dollar

This is to be in a table format with table headings indicating which conversion is being presented. The table colors are to alternate. The table values are to be between 1 and 100. The loop increment value will be requested from the viewer via a prompt-box and be incorporated into your loop. This means that your table may list 1-100 or 1,3,5,7,9 or 5,10,15,20, etc.

3. You will produce an on line dynamic menu offering for a hotel that will display a breakfast menu, a lunch menu, or a dinner menu, and a night menu based on the time of day. This page must work for all time periods. The menu must be a complete offering for that time period. This must be accomplished on one page. The page must be styled in an aesthetically pleasing manner the uses images..

4. Produce a sorted list of array-based buttons that will connect to 10 ski resorts in the New England area (okay if you go outside of New England) . The buttons should have a rounded corner transition effect when they are hovered. The page must be styled with an appropriate header.

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable.

1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the spring or summer season. All images are to be sized identically and each image will fit into its own cell. Use may use a table or a flex-box.

The images must be array-based. All even index number images will also link to a garden nursery in the Boston area. The odd images will connect to a flower shop in the Boston area. They must be different sites in all cases. The page is to have a header that reads “Welcome to the End of Winter”. The page is also to have a themed complimentary background.

2. You are to provide a conversion page that will convert:

a. Dollars to Euros based on and exchange rate of `.93 Euros per dollar.
b. Dollars to Francs on an exchange rate of 1.035 Francs per dollar
c. Dollars to pesos on an exchange rate of 15.63 pesos per dollar

This is to be in a table format with table headings indicating which conversion is being presented. The table colors are to alternate. The table values are to be between 1 and 100. The loop increment value will be requested from the viewer via a prompt-box and be incorporated into your loop. This means that your table may list 1-100 or 1,3,5,7,9 or 5,10,15,20, etc.

3. You will produce an on line dynamic menu offering for a hotel that will display a breakfast menu, a lunch menu, or a dinner menu, and a night menu based on the time of day. This page must work for all time periods. The menu must be a complete offering for that time period. This must be accomplished on one page. The page must be styled in an aesthetically pleasing manner the uses images..

4. Produce a sorted list of array-based buttons that will connect to 10 ski resorts in the New England area (okay if you go outside of New England) . The buttons should have a rounded corner transition effect when they are hovered. The page must be styled with an appropriate header.

Data Visualization

the assignment about crating a website that handle (ref data) for 3 different type of users.
the first page should include links for each type of user.
each of user profile should visualize the data as required in the attached file.

the coding using d3v4 example of coding is similar to the attached zip file which include the data needed.

Web Coding

Develop a website which includes the following:
1.) Utilizes bootstrap and a css file which contains any additional rules, or changes to, bootstrap components that implements at least:
a background image
a grid layout with multiple columns
font colors and effects
2.) Content (image or otherwise) in a box with shadow effects and a footnote
3.) Page layout should include at least two columns, one of which is fixed, across all pages, creating a side-bar effect that persists across the whole site.
4.) One page on the site should contain an un-ordered or ordered list of items
5.) Your site should contain at least 3 html pages with a proper hierarchy (pages are all connected by links in a non-linear pattern).
6.) One email, phone, or address in the content should be inside the corresponding anchor tag
7.) Comments on your index page that describe who last edited the file and when.
To submit, create a zip file of the folder with all of your files, images, and other materials, and upload it to the dropbox.

My choice of topic for the website would be a Donation Website but if you have any other examples you would prefer to do, please let me know.

Thank you

Select ONE B2C website company in the airline industry. Evaluate the selected website company in terms of website design (appearance) uniqueness and the online consumer security and protection. Recommend ways to improve the selected B2C companys website design and online consumer security.

add find box with next/previous bottons on webpage

to produce a code that puts a textbox and 2 bottons to find Next and previous results based on the input in the textbox.

baiscally just like the Find function in the browser when you press Ctrl+F. but it should be on a web page that can be put in any webpage to find anything in the page and highlight it.

Unit 7

    Learn to create classes that can be reused with methods that perform output roles.
    Learn to collect and validate data that will be sent to the class to create page objects
    Learn to process a selection using a switch (multiple conditional) statements
    Create a list of breakout sessions for the conference leaders to print for the meeting agenda.

C# Dungeons and Dragons – Classes

I have not yet started this assignment.

You have been asked to create a Dungeon and Dragons style game. They have asked you to Design a class called Character that will hold the following information:
    Players Name
    Class (i.e. fighter, wizard)
Then create a program that will allow a user to add information into this class and then the program puts the information out. Just to demonstrate the functionality.
    Add a sub/child class called Fighter. The fighter inherits the base class called character and adds these inputs:
o    Deity
o    Divine Spell -1 (a text entry)
o    Divine Spell -2 (a text entry)
o    Type of Healing (Spell, Hands-on, Item)
    Add a sub/child class called Wizard. The wizard inherits the base class called character and adds these inputs:
o    Source of Power (Magic, Nature, Demonic)
o    Arcane Spell -1 (a text entry)
o    Arcane Spell 2 (a text entry)
o    Then create a program that will allow a user to add information into this class and then the program puts the information out. Just to demonstrate the functionality.
Your program must have the following:
    An introductory statement that allows the user to understand what type of program they are running.
    Variable declarations
    User input acceptance
    Proper mathematical calculations
    Proper output
    You must provide the following:
o    Your code
o    Screenshot of your fully functioning program with inputs/outputs

Unit 7

    Learn to create classes that can be reused with methods that perform output roles.
    Learn to collect and validate data that will be sent to the class to create page objects
    Learn to process a selection using a switch (multiple conditional) statement
    Create a list of breakout sessions for the conference leaders to print for the meeting agenda.


Breifly answer the following 3 questions in response to this video:
1. Based on the side-by-side comparison of Python and PHP, do they look similar? Breifly Explain.
2. What are at least 2 differences between Python and PHP? Breifly Explain.
3. If you learn PHP, do you think it would then be difficult to learn Python in the future? Breifly Explain.
Your response should be at least 2 paragraphs long and and answer the above questions.

Each PHP file has 1 bug or error.
Each bug or error is just a missing character, a changed character or an added character to the PHP file that introduces the bug or error.
Some errors are displayed when viewed in a browser using localhost.
Other errors are more subtle, such as displaying the wrong information in the browser
(i.e. – displays the variable name instead of the variable’s value).