Category: Websites, web programming

Simple C code

[prob1.c][100%] Develop a C program to read hurricane data and store and sort those hurricane data.
Each hurricane record contains the hurricanes name, year, month, and category. An input file named
hurricane.txt contains 100 hurricane records. Your program will perform the following tasks.
a) Read hurricane data from input file hurricane.txt and store them in an array of structure. The
structure definition is shown below. Then write the hurricane data stored in the array of structure
to a binary file named hurricane.bin.
typedef struct hurricane
char name[20];
int year;
int month;
int category;
b) Create a new structure for storing the same hurricane data. This new structure should contain the
same members (name, year, month, and category) but utilize a minimum size as a data type.
Take the definition of the new structure shown below as an example. Design this new structure
so that the value sizeof(H_RECORD_MIN) is minimized. Read hurricane data from input file
hurricane.txt, store them in an array of this new structure, and write the hurricane data stored
in the array of new structure to a binary file named hurricane_min.bin.
typedef struct hurricane_min

[Hint: examine the range required for each member and modify their data type/size.]
c) Display on the screen the file sizes of hurricane.txt, hurricane.bin, and hurricane_min.bin.
[Hint: you can use fseek() and ftell().]
d) Read hurricane from input file hurricane.txt, store them in an array of structure, sort the
hurricane data by its category from minimum to maximum, and write the sorted hurricane data to
a text file named hurricane_sort.txt. In the output file hurricane_sort.txt, category-1
hurricanes will appear first, then category-2 hurricanes, category-3 hurricanes, and so on.
A template source code is provided. In the template, the main() function first calls Setup() to
generate the input file named hurricane.txt. Then the main() function calls DisplayMax()
that displays on the screen all hurricanes of maximum category. Then the main() function calls the
following four functions (in order):
SaveBinFile() performing task a), generating hurricane.bin
SaveBinFileMin() performing task b), generating hurricane_min.bin
DisplayFileSize() performing task c), accessing hurricane.txt, hurricane.bin,
SaveSortTxt() performing task d), generating hurricane_sort.txt
The template compiles correctly with warnings of unused variables, which should disappear once
you use those variables in your code. The flow of the program and the input and output file names
are all set up properly. DisplayMax() provides an example of reading hurricane records and
storing them in an array of structure. You can complete this program by filling the blanks inside
the function definitions. Only insert your code inside the definitions of aforementioned four
functions. No modifications should be done to any other part of the template source code.
In your report, describe in detail what your functions do and your implementation details. You can also
include your source code in your report in case your source code submission on Blackboard encountered
unexpected difficulties. However, you must submit your source code file (.c), not just Word or PDF
document containing the source code.

I also have pictures of what the output should look like, that I will submit once I choose
I am very flexible on my willingness to up the price

Take Home Assignment HTML/Javascript

The instructions are outlined in the paper. I don’t need anything fancy. There are pictures of what the final product should resemble. They do not have to be the exact, it just has to resemble the final design. Only use HTML and JavaScript to make this program. The final product should be an HTML document that should be able to open any browser

Olive-Me & Co.

I need someone to write me a CSS stylesheet and make the web page in the attached PNG that I will link. I have the HTML assets that are needed. I need an embedded stylesheet or an external is fine as well, just make sure to link it. Please use the following in the stylesheet: Body global elements: background colour, font family, text colour
Structural elements, such as the wrapper: widths, padding, margin, background colour
Navigation (a tag): color, text decoration and pseudo elements (link, visited, hover and active)
Typography elements: h1, h2, p, etc.

Need this done as soon as possible, if anyone could help that would be great. If there’s any questions, please feel free to ask.

INFO321 Week 3 Assignment

Assignment Instructions
There are 2 parts to this weeks assignment.
Download the attached instruction details.

The objective is to perform the same tasks; first, by issuing SQL commands, and then by using MS Access (use the graphical interface to perform the tasks).

Part A SQL (70%); by following the detailed instructions you will Create a table, Insert data into that table, and use Select commands to select and display data from the table.

Submit one Word document, which includes the text of the SQL commands, and screen captures of the commands along with the Web sites feedback.

Part B MS Access (30%): use MS Access to create the same tables, load the same content and perform the same Queries.
The MS Access database is submitted.

Two files will be submitted a word document for Part A and an Access database for Part B.

Project 3

Write a PHP program that determines if a given credit card number is a valid Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit card number
by performing the Luhn check (aka the Mod 10 check).
The format for a valid American Express, Visa, MasterCard, or Discover credit number is as follows:
American Express numbers start with 3
Visa card numbers start with 4
MasterCard numbers start with 5
Discover card numbers with with 6
Visa, MasterCard and Discover card types must have exactly 16 digits
American Express card types must have exactly 15 digits

Given the sample credit card number: 4388576018402626
The algorithm for the Luhn/Mod 10 check is as follows:

Starting from the second digit from right and moving to the left, double every other digit.
If the result from doubling is two digits, then add those two digits together to end up with a one digit number.

Add up all of the one digit numbers from Step 1.

4 + 4 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 8 = 37

Starting from the right most digit and moving to the left, sum every other digit.

6 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 7 + 8 + 3 = 38

Sum the integer results from Step 2 and Step 3.

37 + 38 = 75

If the integer result from Step 4 is evenly divisible by 10 (i.e. there is no remainder),
then the card number is valid; else the card number is invalid.

75 / 10 has a remainder of 5, therefore, this sample credit card number is invalid.

Your program must adhere to the following specifications:

It must have seven (7) functions named exactly as follows:

Function Name
Number of

The functions must be formulated as follows:

Function Name
Data Type
Data Type
Calls the six functions
Credit Card Number
Returns true if the credit card number is valid,
otherwise returns false
Checks the first digit of the Credit Card Number for
validity and returns the Credit Card type
Credit Card Number
Returns the type of credit card as follows:

“VISA” for Visa
“MCRD” for MasterCard
“DISC” for Discover
“AMEX” for American Express
“INVD” for none of the above; considered Invalid
Checks the Credit Card Number length against the
Credit Card type
Credit Card Number
Returns true if the credit card number length is valid,
otherwise returns false
Credit Card Type – See Returning Parameter
from function checktype
Converts a Credit Card Number string to an array
Credit Card Number
Returns a credit card number as Single Dimension Array
Performs the calculations from Steps 1 and 2 above
Credit Card Number (Array) – See Returning
Parameter from function convertCC2Array
Returns the result of Steps 1 and 2 above
Performs the calculations from Step 3 above
Credit Card Number (Array)- -See Returning
Parameter from function convertCC2Array
Returns the result of Step 3 above
Performs the calculations from Steps 4 and 5 above
Result returned from function doubleSumEvenPos
Returns true if the result of the Mod10 check
is valid, otherwise returns false
Result returned from function sumOddPos

DO NOT send me any programs that contain any credit card numbers.
Your credit card variable should be equated to “” in the program that you submit.
I will generate my own test data to evaluate and grade your program.
You must use this code for the Main part of your program.
    if (isCCValid($creditCardNumber))
        echo $creditCardNumber . ” is valid.”;
        echo $creditCardNumber . ” is not valid.”;

Function isCCValid must call the other six functions.
Set variable $creditCardNumber to some credit card number in your the Main part of your program
in order to test. You may use the following test data or make up your own.
These credit card numbers are not real but they will pass the Luhn/Mod 10 check:
For Visa, $creditCardNumber = “4111111111111111”;
For MasterCard, $creditCardNumber = “5212121212121211”;
For Amex, $creditCardNumber = “311111110101010”;
For Discover, $creditCardNumber = “6111111212121212”;

This is an invalid credit card number that you can use to test (or make up your own), $creditCardNumber = “4388576018402626”;
Programs that do not follow the above assignment specifications (as summarized in this list) will receive a heavy reduction in the score:
Main part of the program matches the given code above
Number of functions
Function names
Function perform tasks as described
Function receiving parameters – correct number of parameters and data types
Function returning parameters – data

Add/Fix elements to Website

please add/fix the following to my website
main navigation structure should have some type of hover effects / change
  one left aligned image and one right aligned image with text to
the side of that image
Use an image map for an image that contains three links.
Create a solid border for at least one image in the site.
Use at least 1 feature using JavaScript

i will provide you with the coding of my website please go in and fix or add to the coding so it has all of the features above.

Combine 3 APIs together in Rails

There were 3 stages to this and my group completed 2 of 3. This is the last stage for my group project.

We each have our own API. Edamams Nutrition facts API, Yelp Search API and an SMS sender API. Each has their own rails environment and functional databases. My professor said, “okay now combine them into one rails application, combine their databases, and create a webpage that makes use of these APIs. Make it in a way so they interact with each other” and that’s where we need help.

Make a Simple Contacts Manager with Angular

You will be creating an Angular app that manages contacts.

This project should be fairly simplified as it’s just to demonstrate some basic use of Angular to accomplish a simple app. It should only utilize angular and nothing outside of that (like php integrations, databases, etc…). The data storage for the contacts can simply be implemented using JSON stored either in a file or just within the app itself as a variable. The app appearance should have at least some styling and polish, maybe utilizing some bootstrap integration.

Please see the attached word document for exact details for the assignment exactly as they were given to me by my instructor.

This really isn’t too difficult of an assignment, I’m just really swamped right now and have to focus a more on another class right now.

3 Assignments

All the details are contained inside the assignment details doc all elements.html,generic.html,index.html,Liscense.txt and Readme.txt should be in one folder buut got spit up when I uploaded it. Game details are the detailsfor question 2 and csvdata is for the third question

Simple Chat Server Java Assignment


There is a pdf you must read through and understand, it is very descriptive. There a total of six tasks. After finishing the assignment pls go through the attached rubric/last page of pdf, to see if the program does all of the following.

There is a starter code attached.