Category: Websites, web programming

Website design Project

Directions:  start to work on your project as planned in the proposal. Majority of the content in your project should be your own words, not publicly available ones online. Make sure that they are your own ideas, terms, experiences, stories, pictures and viewpoints. You can use some copyrights-free images that are available online, but they cannot exceed 50% of the images used in your entire site.

Attached is the project proposal. Website should be built according to the project proposal. And also attached is the requirements for project.

shopping cart and checkout page

Task 5: Add to Cart
The customer entered quantity will be checked against the product available stock. If
the required quantity is available, the customer order will be added to the shopping
cart. Otherwise, appropriate message indicating unavailable required quantity will be
displayed. Total for each item is also displayed (unit price * quantity). PHP sessions
can be used to achieve this functionality

Task 6: Checkout

Customer can check out by clicking checkout button in the product detail page or
checkout (can be a shopping cart image) available on every page of the web
Customer orders will then be displayed in the checkout page. The customer will be
allowed to delete, modify quantity of any order or delete all orders (empty shopping
The customer can also buy all products in the shopping cart.

Professional Portfolio

I have attached 4 files. each file has its description below. Please use them step  by stem to create a professional portfolio.

Use 1 of the platforms that I have mentioned on my 1st research file to create portfolio.

Part 1 PORTFOLIO GENERATION (DONE) Search the Internet and identify two portfolio generation/hosting solutions.  Compare/Contrast their features and provide a recommendation to someone looking for a platform that is easy to use, rich in features with at least one being free.  Create a professional document, PDF that share your finding.  Be sure to include and cite sources, which must be APA or MLA formatted.

Part 2 GATHER ARTIFICATS (DONE)  Create a list of all the classes you have taken and list one assignment submission from each class you can turn into a portfolio item.  Go find those assignment files and upload them to a repository in your chosen portfolio solution.  Provide visibility to your emerging portfolio to your instructor.

Part 3 REFERENCES (DONE) Generate a list of 3 personal and, if you have them, up to 3 professional references.  Have a conversation with each person and ask for permission to use them as a reference.  For full credit, you must upload your references here and to your portfolio.  Note – references are subject to be checked.

Part 4 RESUME (DONE)  UPLOAD it to your portfolio


dont simply upload my files. take information from it and than put it on portfolio. ONLY files you need to attach are files in my artifacts folder/ projects so far.

Provide me with the link to portfolio

Computer Information Systems Field Project

This is a capstone course that provides students with practical application of computer skills by participation in a planned and coordinated field project. At the start of the class, specific goals and requirements will be carefully outlined to ensure that the student is aware of his or her responsibilities.

IT Project

We need to design a web application for this project. We created an application called as WeCarePet on Asp.Net Core in which Pet Owners can find pet caregivers for dog-sitting. My part in this application is to make a chat feature between the owner and caregiver. Everything else is already done, i just need to implement a chat feature.


I am attaching the program you need and the instructions so it is easier to read.

Use the program (attached as plain text called ‘Ex3c’) to do the following:

For each family member
  o Display the information in the data block
  o Ask a question to confirm whether each piece of information displayed is correct or not
Display all the information in a table, including the response to the confirmation question above.
Create a PDF file that displays the same table of information

– You should only require a single question block to ask the same question for each family member
– You should be able to display the output using a table block (i.e.: not a Markdown table).

I am also an attaching an image of a markdown table just in case you need to see what needs to be avoided.

3 hours of java coding April 6th evening or April 7th morning

Hello. My final is coming up at the beginning of next May, and we have a practice exam (“live coding”) opening up this Monday. I can take it after 5pm PST( April 6th) but there’s a time limit for three hours. I can also take it 8am PST April 7th.

I will get about 3-5 mini program questions, and we will be given local tests. as long the local tests work I will get extra credit. This will help me have study materials as well because my professor won’t release the solutions.

(I am providing other practice questions that the teacher gave us to do if we wanted to before the 3hr practice test…they will be formatted the same way. I just need someone to help me solve 3-5 mini java questions on April 6th/7th with a 3hr deadline. I won’t get the handout/questions until April 6th, and will have exactly 3 hours to complete. Is this possible?)

The attached files is of an older midterm practice. This is how the questions will be set up/provided. Make sure you are also are familiar with how to solve the 3 given questions (Q1, Q2a, Q2b). I will also attach the starter code for that assignment to help you see how it will be. (ignore the password file…you can delete it).

Important Note: I don’t need you to complete the attached assignment. I just want you to see how the questions will be like on April 6.

Again, I will provide three hour time slots and you can see which one works for you the best. Let’s say we choose 6pm – 9 pm PST on April 6th, I will send the the instructions and starter code on the dot. there will be about 3-5 java questions.

one mini java assnmt + Three questions

There are two assignments! But one is very small.


There is a starter Code I will be attaching for this, one is for and the other is for local tests.

I will also include my current file. Read the messages that are noted in the java file, and edit wherever it says “To do”. The pdf also asks to implement other methods after the set up. Let me know if you have any questions.


2) Practice problems – 3 questions (Q1, Q2a, Q2b)
Starter Code is attached, make sure the local tests work!

The pages of the pdf are also attached.
ie. pg_1, pg_2….

Follow instructions in the pdf for set up and etc. Let  me know if you have any questions.

Develop a webpage

Under Big Project tab: There are 7 tabs

Please develop the Project page Menu for the 7 tabs (adjust background accordingly) and then develop each of the 7 pages with the included text and photos, creating tasteful backgrounds and page design and flow for each of the 7 tabs/pages, incorporating text and images correspondent for each

Recreate a simple web page

Hello please follow the instructions that are on the pdf. It has to look the same and also I need the HTML code and CSS so I can run it myself. I attached all the pictures need it for the webpage.
I have the pictures and will be providing them.