Category: Websites, web programming

HTML5/CSS/Bootstrap Assignment


I’m trying to teach myself how to code during my down time and have come into a roadblock regarding Bootstrap development. I struggle with the .navbar and creating .jumbotron or box-model. Looking for developer to help inform on how to create final result (attached images below).

PHP JavaScript – SQL – Social Network Analyser – Modifications

Hello, I need some modifications on some code, the code is a social network analyzer fully functional, for facebook, youtube, twitter and instagram, I need some small rearrangements on the APIs and also 4 new directory pages, at the moment I just have Instagram directory, also I need to add some new features to the APIs like show country, and audiences from YouTube.
The social profile tracking script is an already existing script on CodeCanyon – “phpAnalyzer”.
– Create plugin TikTok (like
– Create Directory for Tiktok
– Create Directory for Youtube
– Create Directory for Facebook
– Create Directory for Twitter

Add features: (when possible by the APIs)
– Add audience analysis (gender ,age, location)
o General
o By Publication
– Add Category
– Add Country (location of the account)

Add non API Editable Fields to accounts:
– Manual Country (ability to add more than one Country)
– Manual Category (ability to add more than one Category)
– Average Cost
– Email
Make all the fields searchable on the directories

PHP JavaScript – SQL – Social Network Analyser

I need some modifications on some code, the code is a social network analyser fully functional, for facebook, youtube, twitter and instagram, I need some small rearrangements on the APIs and also 3 new directory pages for facebook youtube and tweeter, at the moment I just have Instagram directory, also I need to add some new features to the APIs like show country, and audiences from youtube. Check the zip file.


-Add country to Instagram accounts and search filter on directory page


– Create directory pages for YouTube, Facebook, Tweeter, with the must search fields possible

– Add new components using the APIs to the social networks when possible.
    – Country (possible on YouTube API already saving on the database)
    – Audience (target Audiance) (possible on YouTube API)
    – Category (possible on YouTube API)
    – function to add these fields manualy or edit previours existing fields on admin area list of users

– Function to add ppst videos etc to the favorites and see a small report (number of views and comments)

PHP JavaScript – SQL – Social Network Analyser

I need some modifications on some code, the code is a social network analyser fully functional, for facebook, youtube, twitter and instagram, I need some small rearrangements on the APIs and also 3 new directory pages for facebook youtube and tweeter, at the moment I just have Instagram directory, also I need to add some new features to the APIs like show country, and audiences from youtube. Check the zip file.


-Add country to Instagram accounts and search filter on directory page


– Create directory pages for YouTube, Facebook, Tweeter, with the must search fields possible

– Add new components using the APIs to the social networks when possible.
    – Country (possible on YouTube API already saving on the database)
    – Audience (target Audiance) (possible on YouTube API)
    – Category (possible on YouTube API)

– Function to add ppst videos etc to the favorites and see a small report (number of views and comments)

programming exercise

Javascript coding

Task 1
    Write a JavaScript code using nested for loop (A nested loop is a loop within a loop ) to print your name number of times depending on the inserted value from the user.

The output should be something similar to the following if the value inserted is 3:



Task 2
    using  the example below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>WPDAM – JS Array – Example 3</h1>
<p id=”P1″></p>


function askUser()
    var userData = new Array ();
    userData [0] = prompt(“What is your name?”);
    userData [1] = prompt(“What is your age?”);
    userData [2] = prompt(“What is your mobile number?”);
    return userData;


var tmp = askUser();
document.getElementById(“P1”).innerHTML =
    “Your Name is: ” + tmp[0] + “<br>” +
    “Your Age is: ” + tmp[1] + “<br>” +
    “Your Mobile number is: ” + tmp[2] + “<br>”;

–    Add suitable comments for each statement.
–    Edit the code to:
a.    Accept email address from the user.
b.    Check the age value is between 6-90 years old.
c.    Check the mobile value is numbers only.
d.    Check the email address value is correct.
e.    If any value entered by the user in (b),(c) and (d) is incorrect
–    Alert the user Please insert a correct value
–    Repeat ask the user until the data entered is valid.


programming exercise

Task 5
    Write a JavaScript code using nested for loop (A nested loop is a loop within a loop ) to print your name number of times depending on the inserted value from the user.

The output should be something similar to the following if the value inserted is 3:



Task 6
    using  the example below

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>WPDAM – JS Array – Example 3</h1>
<p id=”P1″></p>


function askUser()
    var userData = new Array ();
    userData [0] = prompt(“What is your name?”);
    userData [1] = prompt(“What is your age?”);
    userData [2] = prompt(“What is your mobile number?”);
    return userData;


var tmp = askUser();
document.getElementById(“P1”).innerHTML =
    “Your Name is: ” + tmp[0] + “<br>” +
    “Your Age is: ” + tmp[1] + “<br>” +
    “Your Mobile number is: ” + tmp[2] + “<br>”;

–    Add suitable comments for each statement.
–    Edit the code to:
a.    Accept email address from the user.
b.    Check the age value is between 6-90 years old.
c.    Check the mobile value is numbers only.
d.    Check the email address value is correct.
e.    If any value entered by the user in (b),(c) and (d) is incorrect
–    Alert the user Please insert a correct value
–    Repeat ask the user until the data entered is valid.


arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable.

1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the spring or summer season. All images are to be sized identically and each image will fit into its own cell. Use may use a table or a flex-box.

The images must be array-based. All even index number images will also link to a garden nursery in the Boston area. The odd images will connect to a flower shop in the Boston area. They must be different sites in all cases. The page is to have a header that reads “Welcome to the End of Winter”. The page is also to have a themed complimentary background.

2. You are to provide a conversion page that will convert:

a. Dollars to Euros based on and exchange rate of `.93 Euros per dollar.
b. Dollars to Francs on an exchange rate of 1.035 Francs per dollar
c. Dollars to pesos on an exchange rate of 15.63 pesos per dollar

This is to be in a table format with table headings indicating which conversion is being presented. The table colors are to alternate. The table values are to be between 1 and 100. The loop increment value will be requested from the viewer via a prompt-box and be incorporated into your loop. This means that your table may list 1-100 or 1,3,5,7,9 or 5,10,15,20, etc.

3. You will produce an on line dynamic menu offering for a hotel that will display a breakfast menu, a lunch menu, or a dinner menu, and a night menu based on the time of day. This page must work for all time periods. The menu must be a complete offering for that time period. This must be accomplished on one page. The page must be styled in an aesthetically pleasing manner the uses images..

4. Produce a sorted list of array-based buttons that will connect to 10 ski resorts in the New England area (okay if you go outside of New England) . The buttons should have a rounded corner transition effect when they are hovered. The page must be styled with an appropriate header.

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable.

1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the spring or summer season. All images are to be sized identically and each image will fit into its own cell. Use may use a table or a flex-box.

The images must be array-based. All even index number images will also link to a garden nursery in the Boston area. The odd images will connect to a flower shop in the Boston area. They must be different sites in all cases. The page is to have a header that reads “Welcome to the End of Winter”. The page is also to have a themed complimentary background.

2. You are to provide a conversion page that will convert:

a. Dollars to Euros based on and exchange rate of `.93 Euros per dollar.
b. Dollars to Francs on an exchange rate of 1.035 Francs per dollar
c. Dollars to pesos on an exchange rate of 15.63 pesos per dollar

This is to be in a table format with table headings indicating which conversion is being presented. The table colors are to alternate. The table values are to be between 1 and 100. The loop increment value will be requested from the viewer via a prompt-box and be incorporated into your loop. This means that your table may list 1-100 or 1,3,5,7,9 or 5,10,15,20, etc.

3. You will produce an on line dynamic menu offering for a hotel that will display a breakfast menu, a lunch menu, or a dinner menu, and a night menu based on the time of day. This page must work for all time periods. The menu must be a complete offering for that time period. This must be accomplished on one page. The page must be styled in an aesthetically pleasing manner the uses images..

4. Produce a sorted list of array-based buttons that will connect to 10 ski resorts in the New England area (okay if you go outside of New England) . The buttons should have a rounded corner transition effect when they are hovered. The page must be styled with an appropriate header.

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable.

1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the spring or summer season. All images are to be sized identically and each image will fit into its own cell. Use may use a table or a flex-box.

The images must be array-based. All even index number images will also link to a garden nursery in the Boston area. The odd images will connect to a flower shop in the Boston area. They must be different sites in all cases. The page is to have a header that reads “Welcome to the End of Winter”. The page is also to have a themed complimentary background.

2. You are to provide a conversion page that will convert:

a. Dollars to Euros based on and exchange rate of `.93 Euros per dollar.
b. Dollars to Francs on an exchange rate of 1.035 Francs per dollar
c. Dollars to pesos on an exchange rate of 15.63 pesos per dollar

This is to be in a table format with table headings indicating which conversion is being presented. The table colors are to alternate. The table values are to be between 1 and 100. The loop increment value will be requested from the viewer via a prompt-box and be incorporated into your loop. This means that your table may list 1-100 or 1,3,5,7,9 or 5,10,15,20, etc.

3. You will produce an on line dynamic menu offering for a hotel that will display a breakfast menu, a lunch menu, or a dinner menu, and a night menu based on the time of day. This page must work for all time periods. The menu must be a complete offering for that time period. This must be accomplished on one page. The page must be styled in an aesthetically pleasing manner the uses images..

4. Produce a sorted list of array-based buttons that will connect to 10 ski resorts in the New England area (okay if you go outside of New England) . The buttons should have a rounded corner transition effect when they are hovered. The page must be styled with an appropriate header.

arrays conversions and tables

All page production must be generated using JavaScript. The only HTML code permitted must be encased as part of a JavaScript statement. All styling must be accomplished with CSS. In-line or an external CSS document is acceptable.

1. Create a 2 x 2 table of images that relate to the spring or summer season. All images are to be sized identically and each image will fit into its own cell. Use may use a table or a flex-box.

The images must be array-based. All even index number images will also link to a garden nursery in the Boston area. The odd images will connect to a flower shop in the Boston area. They must be different sites in all cases. The page is to have a header that reads “Welcome to the End of Winter”. The page is also to have a themed complimentary background.

2. You are to provide a conversion page that will convert:

a. Dollars to Euros based on and exchange rate of `.93 Euros per dollar.
b. Dollars to Francs on an exchange rate of 1.035 Francs per dollar
c. Dollars to pesos on an exchange rate of 15.63 pesos per dollar

This is to be in a table format with table headings indicating which conversion is being presented. The table colors are to alternate. The table values are to be between 1 and 100. The loop increment value will be requested from the viewer via a prompt-box and be incorporated into your loop. This means that your table may list 1-100 or 1,3,5,7,9 or 5,10,15,20, etc.

3. You will produce an on line dynamic menu offering for a hotel that will display a breakfast menu, a lunch menu, or a dinner menu, and a night menu based on the time of day. This page must work for all time periods. The menu must be a complete offering for that time period. This must be accomplished on one page. The page must be styled in an aesthetically pleasing manner the uses images..

4. Produce a sorted list of array-based buttons that will connect to 10 ski resorts in the New England area (okay if you go outside of New England) . The buttons should have a rounded corner transition effect when they are hovered. The page must be styled with an appropriate header.