PYSC Mental Health

Download the Data Abstraction Form see attached document  .  Now, find a mental health program that involves a policy response through SAMHSA here  ( review a program that you find interesting. Using the form provided, assess the program. Please follow the guidelines in the form and below:
Part I. Respond to Q1: Choose one of the 4 intervention components:
    provision of information only
    behavioral intervention
    environmental intervention
    legislation/regulation/enforcement(for this assignment, you will choose this one)
Respond to the following questions: Part I: Q1, Q1b, Q2; Part II: Q1, Q1a
Although you are answering the questions, please write them in a narrative format, not a Q&A. Papers should be 2- 3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, and in APA 7th edition format. You will include the primary NCHEC Area of Responsibility and Competencies you are addressing in this assignment as a separate paragraph. Discuss the areas you are practicing for this assignment and the specific competency(ies) you are utilizing. Discuss the importance of these competencies as it relates to the profession of public health.
If you need more help on how to complete this assignment, please review this tutorial video I recorded to help you navigate this assignment! If you do watch this videoPlay media comment.( see attached), please complete this short survey on its effectiveness in order to give me important feedback about my teaching effectiveness. This is to help me help you (insert Jerry Maguire gif).

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