Archive for October 29th, 2020

Any topic (writer’s choice)

Please write me a convincing admission essay why I want to be an applied behavioral specialist.

You can read more here:,%2C%20punctuality%2C%20and%20job%20competence.

Commonly, Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a type of therapy that focuses on improving specific behaviors, such as social skills, communication, reading, and academics as well as adaptive learning skills, such as fine motor dexterity, hygiene, grooming, domestic capabilities, punctuality, and job competence. ABA is effective for children and adults with psychological disorders in a variety of settings, including schools, workplaces, homes, and clinics. It has also been shown that consistent ABA can significantly improve behaviors and skills and decrease the need for special services.

Any topic (writer’s choice)

After assisting children in the restroom, Sally, the teachers assistant for the 3-year-olds, does not wash her hands and serves lunch.
The toddlers in Kims class did not finish their morning snack of cheese and crackers. At 5:00 p.m., Kim picks up the remaining cheese and refrigerates it for the next day.
Breakfast in the infant room consists of blueberry-flavored yogurt, 1/2 cup of wheat puffs, and milk. Even though Annie is lactose intolerant and cannot eat gluten, she is served this breakfast.
Initial post: Your initial post should include the following:

List your chosen scenario in your subject line.
Describe an aspect of food safety being disregarded in your scenario and how it could affect the well-being of children.
Identify alternative best practice procedures that should be followed.
Support your ideas with at least one outside source.

Why you selected Pharmacy as a career

Your Personal Essay should address why you selected pharmacy as a career and how the Doctor of Pharmacy degree relates to your immediate and long-term professional goals. Describe how your personal, educational, and professional background will help you achieve your goals. The personal essay is an important part of your application for admission and provides you with an opportunity for you to clearly and effectively express your ideas.
Also, your essay should demonstrate what your contributions to pharmacy will be.

digital marketing ; Develop an Innovative Marketing Initiative Using the Access Strategy

Develop an Innovative Marketing Initiative Using the Access Strategy
1.    Select a company or a business of a company. Why did you choose this company? What is the business challenge that you aim to solve with the Access strategy?
2.    What is your specific business objective? Is it changing the brand image, repositioning the brand, driving sales, generating leads, or something else? Explain why you chose this strategy.
3.    Who is your target customer? Think about the types or segments of customers that are most relevant to achieve the business objective. Break down your target segments and address their particular needs and characteristics.
4.    What is your digital innovation using the Access Strategy? Some approaches to consider include on-demand services, location-based services or geo-fencing, mobile wallets and loyalty, solving a moment of need, omni-channel integration, and wearables. Provide details of your strategy.
5.    Who do you need, inside or outside your business, to make your innovation successful? Think about different departments within the organization and partners outside the organization. Why are they essential to making this strategy a success?
6.    How will you measure success against objectives? Think about what will validate your success in achieving the business objective. Use SMART metrics (Specific/Measureable/Attainable/Realistic/Time-bound).

Race norming: use of race as a factor in hiring and selection.

The text discusses issues involved in the use of race as a factor in hiring and selection.
Specifically, race norming has been prohibited (1991). However, there is still much debate about
the use of quotas or preferential scoring to assist minorities in obtaining positions. write an essay in support of this practice. Support your argument with references.

Includes an APA 7th formatted title page
Includes an APA formatted abstract
Minimum of 3 pages of content in APA style (body of the paper only)
Includes at least 3 outside sources (journal articles) and the required reading
Includes an APA formatted reference page

Please use APA 7th Format

M05 Positioning and Differentiation

each part should be 12 paragraphs or several bullet points in length. For this discussion post, use the same company that you chose in Module 2 to conduct your Marketing Plan project on (Red Bull GmbH). This will help you dive deeper into information on that specific company, and it will allow your peers to learn more about your chosen company as well.

Part 1: Competitive Advantages & Market Niche
List the top five competitive advantages of the organization youre focusing on: the things that make it different from competitors in positive ways. Based on the competitive advantages, what do you think is the organization’s market niche? Why do you think this is the right approach?

Part 2: Positioning Statement
List your company’s existing positioning statement below. For example, Targets positioning statement expect more. pay less. is short and to the point, but consumers get the message. Do you think your company’s positioning statement is effective? Why or why not? If you do not, how would you change it to make it more influential?

WWII in America

The fighting in World War II was experienced first-hand by relatively few Americans; most Americans had to rely on the press (newspapers, magazines, radio) for information about the war.  Therefore, the press helped create an image of the war and helped define its meaning.  Your assignment is to analyze a specific episode, comparative issue, or theme in the wartime press.  We have available online through the library the historic New York Times, Baltimore Sun, Washington Post, and Baltimore Afro-American (all on Pro Quest in library databasecheck subjects, then history [twice], then primary sources).  In the library, you can find Time, Newsweek, and more specialized journals like the Jesuit magazine America.  You have some freedom in this assignment, but Id like to suggest four basic options:

1.    Compare personal accounts of combat as presented in oral histories such as Studs Terkels Good War or personal memoirs such as Eugene Sledges With the Old Breed (with insights gained from ONeills A Democracy at War, the documentary footage we viewed, and even a peek at Roeders The Censored War) with press descriptions of the fighting as it happened.  Did the reporting match or reflect the reality?  What did Americans at home learn about the war from the press?  How much of the reality of combat appeared (or should appear) in the press?

2.    Compare reporting at two different points in the war, for example in 1942 (perhaps during fighting in the Philippines or during the November North African campaign) and then in 1944 in Europe or the Pacific (or some other reasonable dates).  Check press reports for about two weeks or so (more time can be covered for magazines) in each year.  Did the reporting change over time, especially as the U.S. and its allies began to advance?  If it did, tell me how it changed, then try to conclude why it changed (different circumstances, goals, etc.)  Was the reporting realistic, idealistic, or something different?  Did it become more optimistic, grimmer over time, or remain the same?  What types of messages did Americans receive from press coverage of the fighting?

3.    Focus intensively on one particular episode using a number of different press sources (newspapers and magazines, multiple viewpoints).  You could choose coverage of the Greer incident and FDRs response, the sinking of the Reuben James, the brutal fighting on Iwo Jima, the early American defeat in the Philippines, the surprisingly high cost of taking Tarawa, or any well-covered event in the war.  Compare the various press reports.  How detailed were they?  Were they critical, overly optimistic, or even-handed?  What was left out?  What would Americans have learned from these sources?

4.    Look more generally at how the war filtered into American culture.  You could look at wartime themes in advertisements, ads and reviews of war-related films, editorials about the war, and so on.  Or you could explore how specific groups reacted to the war by reading more specialized publications, for instance examining America to get the viewpoint of American Jesuits, checking out the Baltimore Afro-American to analyze black press reports, or reading Variety to get the show business angle.  Note:  there will be an opportunity in the second paper assignment to investigate wartime images of American women, racial images, reactions to the atomic bomb, and so on, so keep that in mind when choosing a topic.

The paper should be from five to eight pages in length.  I expect you to make an argument and support it with primary source evidence, that is, the material was written during the war or first-hand accounts published later (not material from websites unless it is a wartime document).  Secondary material (course books, other works by historians) can be used as additional evidence establishing themes or supporting your interpretation of primary sources.  Provide citations for any information you take from a source (aside from basic factsPearl Harbor was on December 7, etc.)  Proper citations for your primary sources should be in the form of footnotes or endnotes.  Newspaper citations should give the source and the date (New York Times, September 28, 1943); magazine articles should include the author (if there is one named), the title of the article, magazine title, volume number, date, and page number (Ernie Pyle, With the Troops, Newsweek 23 (September 28, 1943), p. 87; books should include author, title, publisher, date of publication, and page number (Eugene Sledge, With the Old Breed:  At Peleliu and Okinawa (New York:  Oxford University Press, 1990), p. 59.  Use a full citation for the first reference to a source.  Subsequent citations should use a short form (Sledge, Old Breed, 45).  You may use parenthetical citations for assigned course books (Terkel, p. 148).  Always use a citation when quoting and always use quotation marks when taking exact language from a source.


Emerging Technology

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.

A. Summarize an organizational need in the case study, including the scope of the need.

B. Propose an emerging technology solution to address the organizational need from the case study. Include an example that classifies this technology as emerging.

C. Explain the steps of the adoption process that you recommend the organization use to integrate the new emerging technology.

1. Describe why each step of the adoption process is necessary and how each step relates to the organization.

D. Describe both a positive and a negative impact that your emerging technology solution could have on the people or current processes in the organization, providing examples for how to address the negative impact.

E. Compare your emerging technology solution to an alternative technology solution, providing at least two advantages and two disadvantages that each technology may have for the organization.

F. Recommend a method that can be used to determine whether adoption of the proposed emerging technology solution will be successful or unsuccessful, based on the needs of the organization.

G. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

H. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Middle Eastern Cultures

The first video deals with two anti Islamic movements the west. The second one is about an American Jihadist joined the fight in the Middle East. Please watch both learning objects write a short essay (275 words) answering the question “Is Islam compatible with western civilization?”

Regression analysis

Assignment OverviewUnit 5 – Individual Project
Deliverable Length: See assignment details
You will create this assignment following the Assignment Detail instructions below.

Review the tutorial How to Submit an Individual Project.

Assignment Details

When the relationship between two or more independent variables needs to be tested, a common tool to use is a regression analysis. Take, for example, a study that shows the relationship between gaming and teen violence or a study that shows a correlation between fast-food eating habits and obesity. Complete the following for this assignment:

Describe 23 combinations of independent and dependent variables that you could test using a regression analysis.
What types of results could the regression analysis yield? How could you use the knowledge gained from the test?
Describe a specific organizational application of correlation and regression that you will use in your future career.
Describe a situation in your current or former workplace for which it would be appropriate to use correlation and regression to predict a future outcome that the company may be interested in. If you do not have an example for your workplace, please substitute a company that you are familiar with instead.
Why do you believe it is important for the company to look at these variables? What does the company risk if it does not do this correlation/regression?
Present your findings as a Word document of 35 pages (body of paper) formatted in APA style.