Aritstotle and Plato

    What are the main ideas of Aristotle about politics and what are the forms of governments that he developed?
    How are Aristotle’s ideas about politics different from those of Plato? Be as specific as possible.

In order to receive credit, you are required to:

    Provide comprehensive answers/analysis by using the textbook or other course materials as primary sources of information.
        You are also encouraged to use external sources, but they must be peer-reviewed.
        Penalties for not following this requirement will range from 10% to 50%.
    Divide the essay into paragraphs, following each topic/sub-topic discussed.
    Submit your essay in at least 500 words.
        Penalties for not following the length requirement will range from 5% to 50%.
    Submit the essay within the due date.
        No late submission will be allowed or graded unless it involves a documented emergency or accommodation.
    Provide in-text citations and references in the APA writing format.
        Penalties for not providing in-text citations and/or references will range from 5% to 50%.

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